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Articles by Dylan Taylor-Lehman :: Page 25

  • The mystical salon of Wisdom Quest

    Wisdom Quest meets monthly at the Unitarian Fellowship to discuss astral travel, orgone, UFOs, and a wide variety of topics. Shown above are group organizer Bruce Forrester, standing, and last week’s speaker, Darrell Brann, who spoke on Archons, a nonphysical race who some believe threaten humans. (Photo by Dylan Taylor-Lehman)

    Astral travel, Bedini generators, and UFOs powered by the life force of the universe: topics like these may seem obscure to casual readers, but they are familiar to the members of Wisdom Quest.

  • ‘Ghouls on wings’ bug Yellow Springs


    The abundance of mosquitos in Yellow Springs is not the punchline to a cruel celestial joke but the result of an unusually wet June and July.

  • Jazz, original music with Friends

    Friends Music Campers advertised their annual summer concert in downtown Yellow Springs last year, and will perform the camp’s 11th benefit on Saturday, July 25, at 7:30 p.m. at Mills Lawn Elementary School. This year’s concert, ‘Musicians for Justice and Peace,’ will benefit Glen Helen with performances by the camp’s concert band, the all-camper chorus and four student soloists. (archive photo by Matt Minde)

    The Friends Music Camp will present its annual summer concert at 7:30 p.m. on Saturday, July 25, at Mills Lawn Elementary School.

  • Paintings, prose for land trust

    Local author Bill Felker read some of his observations of the natural world during the opening of the 25/25 landscape art exhibit at the Winds Cafe on Sunday, July 12. The art, to benefit Tecumseh Land Trust, will show through Sept. 6. (photo by Dylan Taylor-Lehman)

    This past weekend, patrons of the arts and admirers of nature were able to “ooh” and “ahh” for the same reason.

  • Communal breakfast at risk

    “I’m not much into making a big deal about it,” said Lamar Spracklen, owner of the Yellow Springs Country Bed and Breakfast. “It’s not bothering anybody.

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