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Articles by Dylan Taylor-Lehman :: Page 24

  • An actor’s mystery, a puzzle of a play

    Imagine this: theater production where you are given a script moments before you are thrust on stage, alone. There are few props to hide behind, only a table and two cups of water, and the performance requires that you act out whatever the script commands.

  • YS library’s golden anniversary

    The mood on Xenia Avenue was elevated in anticipation of the Yellow Springs Library building’s 50th anniversary celebration this Saturday, Aug. 29, from 11 a.m. to 5 p.m. The 1960s-themed events, planned and supported by the Yellow Springs Library Association, will culminate with a rockin’ show by the Hoppers. (Photo by Matt Minde)

    The Yellow Springs News of Sept. 1, 1965 reported that a “record crowd…a swarm of kids and parents” poured into the new Yellow Springs library, which opened at 2 p.m. on Aug. 30, 1965.

  • BLOG — A stand-up guy doing stand up comedy

    “I’ve done hundreds of stand up sets. I was probably on stage between one hundred and two hundred times per year. I was just living for it. You do comedy and there’s nothing else. I basically had an eight-year-long adventure.”

  • Heroin use in village is evident

    There is heroin in Yellow Springs. It is being bought and sold and used. There were four incidents involving heroin in Yellow Springs in less than a month, including two overdoses and one fatality. Heroin’s presence in the village reflects a decade-long increase in heroin use state- and nationwide.

  • BLOG — Interview with a smoking octopus

    “I take off about one day a week. Other than that I enjoy being here. My fiancée and I run it together. When I’m away from it for too long, I feel weird. If you love what you do, you’ll never work a day in your life.”

  • Black Lives Matter marks a year — Message of justice carries on

    Dozens of people participated in a rally and die-in at the Beavercreek Walmart on Wednesday, Aug. 5, to commemorate the life of John Crawford III, who was killed by police in the store a year ago. The event was organized by Black Lives Matter Miami Valley and included many local residents. (Photo by Dylan Taylor-Lehman)

    On Aug. 5, 2015, over 200 people gathered in the parking lot of the Beavercreek Walmart to commemorate the life and mourn the death of John Crawford III.

  • BLOG — 9000lbs of sprouts: interview with a bean sprout proprietor

    “Raising sprouts isn’t something I ever saw myself doing, but isn’t that how most people end up in life – not really doing what they thought they were going to do?”

  • Cherished trucks evoke a past era

    The annual Vintage Truck Show, sponsored by local Ertel Publishing's Vintage Truck Magazine, returns on Aug. 6. (Photo by Dylan Taylor-Lehman)

    For some truck aficionados, nothing beats the sight of a good restoration. For others, it’s a nice winch or the unmistakable roar of an engine they just don’t make like they used to.

  • BLOG — Vignettes from around town

    “Hoffman’s metal detector seemed to indicate something, and she set it down and crouched to get a closer look. She produced a small trowel and dug around a bit, flipping over a flap of grass.”

  • Commemoration remembers John Crawford III one year after his death

    “It’s not a demonstration,” said Bomani Moyenda, “it’s a commemoration of a young man who tragically lost his life.”

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