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Articles by Dylan Taylor-Lehman

More Articles by Dylan Taylor-Lehman
  • Tick talk: biting insects abound this summer

    Fig. 1: The common blacklegged or deer tick, Ixodes scapularis.

    As the summer gets into full swing, one of the biggest irritations is the profusion of mosquitoes and ticks.

  • Ordinance governs local yards— ‘Managed prairie’ defined

    Some homeowners may opt to adjust their lawn care practices this summer, as Village Council recently passed a revamped village law that updates the rules governing local yards.

  • Historic Trail Tavern to reopen after rehab

    Christine Monroe-Beard, who purchased Ye Olde Trail Tavern in January with her husband, Don Beard, recently sat at the restaurant’s bar surrounded by photographs of old documents and newspaper clippings about the Tavern’s 190-year history. The couple has been rehabilitating the historic tavern and is hoping to reopen the establishment within the next two weeks. In the meantime, Monroe-Beard has become an expert in the building’s series of owners and uses. (Photo by Dylan Taylor-Lehman)

    As anyone who has ever rehabilitated a building knows, unforeseen delays are just part of the process.

  • Bulldog Sports Round-Up — June 8, 2017

    Senior Julian Roberts and junior James Browning competed at the state track and field championships on June 2 and 3 at The Ohio State University. Browning finished 13th in the high jump, while Roberts finished fourth in the 300 hurdles. (Submitted photo)

    Buoyed on by a strong contingent of fans from Yellow Springs, Julian Roberts ran to a fourth-place finish in the 300 hurdles at the 43rd Girls Ohio High School Division III State Track Championships on June 3, hosted at The Ohio State University.

  • Well, Yellow Springs, it’s been a really, really great two years

    Well, Yellow Springs, it’s been a really, really great two years, but I’m headed out for the unforgiving terrain of westernmost Texas. I didn’t ever expect I’d end up here, but I’m very glad I did.

  • A dancing vibe at Springsfest, coming back to Yellow Springs

    Columbus indie-folk band Saint Seneca headlined last year’s Springsfest, which is returning to the lawn of the Bryan Center on July 8. The festival boasts bands from across Ohio and the US, and will feature a selection of food trucks and beer from the YS Brewery. The festival is organized by Yellow Springs native Connor Stratton, who said the selection of artists will make for a “dance-your-butt-off kind of vibe.” (Submitted Photo)

    According to practically everyone, sun, music and beer are integral parts of any memorable summer.

  • June 1 — Bulldog Sport Round-up

    For many high school seniors, graduating high school means finally saying goodbye to the responsibilities that come with being in school.

  • Potential Mills Lawn School facilities site discussed

    Responding to public feedback following the recent school facilities forum, District Superintendent Mario Basora stated at last week’s school board meeting that “no decision has yet been made” regarding moving forward with new school facilities, as “all plans are transparently still under discussion.”

  • May 15 — Bulldog Sports Round-up

    YSHS track and field coach John Gudgel stood behind the podium in the YSHS gym on Monday evening at the spring sports banquet, where he gave parents, coaches and student athletes an overview of the track team’s accomplishments. Coach Isabelle Dierauer handed out individual awards to members of the team. Also represented at the banquet were the tennis, softball, baseball and McKinney track teams. (Photo by Dylan Taylor-Lehman)

    As it often is, the gymnasium at Yellow Springs High School was recently a place of celebration and athletic good cheer.

  • Film explores caregiving, aging

    The Yellow Springs Senior Center and the Friends Care Community will present the documentary “Care” at the Little Art Theatre on Sunday, May 21, at 1 p.m. Edited by villager Jim Klein, the documentary follows the relationships between caregivers and their elderly patients, as well as the financial difficulties faced by patients and caregivers alike. (Submitted film still)

    Yellow Springs has hosted some weighty documentaries recently, and “Care,” the film showing this weekend at the Little Art, is no exception. And like last month’s village premier of “The Modern Jungle,” which was co-directed by an Antioch professor, “Care” also has a Yellow Springs connection.

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