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Articles by Dylan Taylor-Lehman :: Page 3

  • April 20, 2017 Bulldog sports round-up

    The YSHS girls track and field team posed with their second-place trophy after their impressive finish at the recent Waynesville Invitational. The team consists of, in the back row, from left: Lydia Fleetman, Keli Baxter, Stacia Strodes, Danielle Worsham, Aliza Skinner, Amani Wagner, Jasmine Davidson, Olivia Mitchell, Ivy Tebbe, Head Girls Coach Isabelle Dierauer and True Hall. In the front row, from left, are: Jude Meekin, Payden Kegley, Ayanna Madison, Dede Cheatom, Olivia Brintlinger-Conn and Julian Roberts. Not pictured are coaches Peter Dierauer, John Gudgel and Valerie Kirk. (Submitted photo)

    April 20, 2017 Bulldog sports round-up

  • David Carlson receives reduced sentence for New Year’s Eve charges

    David Carlson received reduced sentencing April 15 for charges stemming from his involvement in the New Year’s Eve Ball Drop incident in Yellow Springs.

  • Reflections on the final note

    Wright State Universtiy psychology professor and Yellow Springs resident Cheryl Meyer sat with the collection of suicide notes that formed the backbone of a recent study of suicide. With three colleagues, she published the results of her research in a book called “Explaining Suicide.” The unusually large collection of notes provided data that allowed researchers to pursue aspects of the phenomenon that hadn’t yet been studied. (Photo by Dylan Taylor-Lehman)

    While suicide notes only exist because of the most sorrowful of circumstances, the epistles nonetheless provide significant insight into the psychology of committing the final act, and therefore what might be able to be done to prevent it.

  • Schools seek input on future of buildings

    Approximately 65 villagers attended the first community engagement forum dedicated to discussing the question of new school district facilities. Because the buildings will be paid for with tax dollars, district superintendent Mario Basora said he wants to get as much village input about the project as possible. (Photo by Dylan Taylor-Lehman)

    Approximately 65 villagers returned to high school earlier this week for the first community engagement forum dedicated to discussing the question of new district facilities.

  • March 30, 2017 Bulldog sports round-up

    The Yellow Springs High School softball team stands ready for the spring season. According to Bulldogs softball coach Jimmy Delong, who is returning for his sixth season as coach, it’s shaping up to be a good season. standing: coach Bubba Worsham, coach Jesi Worsham, Danny Horton, Hannah Morrison, Ashlyne Griffis, Kallyn Buckenmyer, Lauryn Dewine, Jodie Sieck, Kelsie Lemons, coach Shannon Cox, coach Jimmy DeLong. Middle row: Marya Weigand, Sara Zendlovitz, Brielle Willis, Kadie Lafferty, Hailey Qualls, Gracie Price. sitting: Sierra Richeson, Janine Stover, Victoria Willis, Elly Kumbusky, Amelia Gray, Zoe Lafferty. (Submitted photo)

    March 30, 2017 Bulldog sports round-up

  • Derby takes the rink to the brink

    Teammates from the Bully Frogs and Murder Squad clashed at a recent Gem City Roller Derby match, an area derby league that boasts a significant Yellow Springs presence. Many villagers are newcomers to the sport but have quickly taken to its camaraderie and particular brand of athleticism. (Photo by Dylan Taylor-Lehman)

    The Orbit Family Fun Center in Huber Heights features a skating rink of the classic variety, with neon paint on the walls and a snack bar, but the skating going down on the hardwood last week was anything but. Skaters

  • No. 1 waste is golden opportunity

    On average, humans use the bathroom five times per day and produce around 125 gallons of urine per year. Ordinarily, this urine is flushed away and forgotten, a routine task that nobody wants to think about any more than necessary.

  • Citizens seek strong voice in policing

    Several Yellow Springs residents spoke out about policing issues at the Village Council meeting on March 6. Prompted by the incidents of New Year’s Eve, many villagers are hoping to change the culture of Yellow Springs policing and redefine the relationship between local police officers and the villagers they serve. (Photo by Dylan Taylor-Lehman)

    Yellow Springs residents gathered at a Village Council meeting, with many lined up to address the room with grievances about Village policy. Prompted by the incidents of New Year’s Eve, the focus is the overhaul, or at least significant reworking, of the Yellow Springs Police Department.

  • Yellow Springs School Board— ‘Wheelchair Experience’ at Mills Lawn

    Above, from left, Nick Meister, Tyee Meeks and Ayla Arnold play soccer in sports wheelchairs brought over to the school from the Wright State Office of Recreation. (Photo by Robert Hasek)

    Students from Mills Lawn Elementary School’s fourth-grade classes presented the findings of their recent PBL project, “Wheelchair Experience,” which gave students in the class a better understanding of what school is like for their “wheelchair friends.”

  • Yarn Registry – On the history of (scarily frequent) powder mill explosions

    March 1 marked the 131st anniversary of an enormous explosion just south of town in Goes Station. The explosion occurred with such force, heat and clamor that everyone nearby probably thought the very gates of Hell opened up in their backyard.

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