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Articles by Dylan Taylor-Lehman :: Page 5

  • Yarn Registry – I am a Grand Canyon park ranger, part 2

    “I meet people from all over the world. They tell you these amazing stories of how they got there and what it means to them, like the guest who got on a plane for the first time in their life because seeing the Grand Canyon was worth the risk of flying.”

  • New details in double murder case

    The two brothers arrested last week in connection with the murders of William “Skip” Brown and Sherri Mendenhall have been identified as family members of one of the victims.

  • January 9, 2017 Bulldog Sports Round-up

    From left: YSHS Bulldog swimmers Hailey Smith, Sara Zendlovitz, Tristan Giardullo, Olivia Chick, David Walker, Eden Spriggs, Jude Meekin, Lauryn DeWine and Hannah Morrison celebrate the girls’ team’s recent Metro Buckeye Conference championship, celebrating their second year in a row as conference champs. (Submitted photo)

    January 9, 2017 Bulldog Sports Round-up

  • Yellow Springs Hardware, a new old store

    Yellow Springs has had the same hardware more than 90 years, yet it has changed hands only three times. Kathy Macklemore, left, who has managed the store for 16 years, is pictured here with the new owners of Yellow Springs Hardware, Shep Anderson and Gilah Pomeranz. The couple took over at the beginning of January, though Macklemore will stay on as manager. (Photo by Matt Minde)

    There has been a hardware store in Yellow Springs for more than 90 years, and throughout that time, it has changed hands only three times.

  • Yarn Registry – I am a Grand Canyon park ranger, part 1

    “As a ranger, you can’t plan your day 100 percent – you’ll leave fifteen minutes early to do a program that’s only five minutes away, but that’s not enough time because there’s an elk in the way and it’s stomping its hoof and raising its head like it is going to charge you.”

  • What KIND of village?

    The Village of Yellow Springs’ Arts and Culture Commission has hung banners on the north and south ends of Xenia Avenue in Yellow Springs. The banners’ message, “Kind Ness,“ is intended to spur conversation and reflection about community values. (Photo by Dylan Taylor-Lehman)

    For the next three weeks, a new set of signs will serve as a semiotic gesture intended to transmit the underlying sentiment of the village to travelers through and residents of Yellow Springs alike.

  • School board updated on district fundraising

    At last week’s school board meeting, the Yellow Springs school district’s Director of Advancement and Community Relations presented the board with an overview of her office’s fundraising efforts.

  • Bulldog sports round-up for January 26, 2017

    YSHS Bulldog Liz Smith (#22) was poised to go after a rebound during their game with the Middletown Christian Eagles on Jan. 23. The game was a fast-paced exchange of points, turnovers and finesse up and down the hardwood, ultimately leaving the Bulldogs victorious. The final score was 70–52. (Photo by Dylan Taylor-Lehman)

    Bulldog sports round-up for January 26, 2017

  • Double homicide shocks village

    Greene County and Montgomery County Coroners recently released the names of the man and woman found dead just west of Yellow Springs. (Photo by Diane Chiddister)

    The Yellow Springs community faced the most difficult of tragedies beginning on Sunday afternoon, when two local residents were discovered at a duplex located at 4444 East Enon Road, dead of apparent gunshot wounds.

  • Villagers weigh in on hotel’s impact

    Libby and Jim Hammond stand in the lobby of the Mills Park Hotel, the hotel they built and manage. The hotel has increased the amount of places to stay locally since it opened in April 2016, and several area shop owners say its guests have increased business. (Photo by Dylan Taylor-Lehman)

    Standing on the corner of Xenia Avenue and Limestone Street, the Mills Park Hotel is the largest building downtown.

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