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Articles by Dylan Taylor-Lehman :: Page 6

  • NYE investigation begins

    The resignation of Yellow Springs Police Chief David Hale last week left the Yellow Springs Police Department without a head. Hale vacated his post on Tuesday, following villagers’ concerns at local police acting in what many perceived as a heavy-handed and aggressive manner at the New Year’s Eve Ball Drop downtown.

  • January 19, 2016 Bulldog sports round-up

    January 19, 2016 Bulldog sports round-up

  • Press conference provides few updates

    Greene County Sheriff Gene Fischer leads a press conference on Wednesday afternoon in Xenia. Standing next to Fischer is Captain Dave Tidd, who is overseeing the investigation, and Kelly Edwards, the lead detective on the case.

    Investigators held a press conference in Xenia on Wednesday afternoon in order to provide an update on the investigation into the murders of William “Skip” Brown and Sherri Mendenhall.

  • Bulldog sports round-up — Jan, 12, 2017

    YSHS guard Julian Roberts (5) took a shot over the heads of visitors Legacy Christian in the baskteball matchup on Jan. 9. Despite the valiant efforts of Roberts and teammates Jasmine Davidson (30), Morgan Minnich (3) and Ayanna Madison (21), the Bulldogs did not emerge victorious, ending the game with a final score of 64–50. (Photo by Dylan Taylor-Lehman)

    The Yellow Springs girls basketball team has been fighting the good fight this season, taking on opponents left and right and gaining valuable practice and fundamental skill. This week, for example, the Bulldogs went up against the Legacy Christian Academy Knights.

  • Village manager heading police department; replacement sought and investigation started

    Village manager Patti Bates is currently overseeing the police department, with aims to appoint an interim police chief within the next week or two. Village officials are also starting an investigation into the events of New Year’s Eve.

  • January 5, 2017 Bulldog sports round-up

    The YSHS Bulldog swim team set a few school records at their last two meets, including a first-place finish in the girls 400-yard freestyle relay at the Bethel High School Invitational on Dec. 18. Above, teammates Hannah Morrison and Olivia Chick watch as David Walker swims the 500 freestyle. (Submitted photo)

    January 5, 2017 Bulldog sports round-up

  • 2016: Yellow Springs year in review — Schools see growth, recognition

    Eighteen students were inducted into the YSHS National Honor Society on May 11. Pictured, left to right, are Gabe Trillana, Augie Knemeyer, Landon Rhoads, Hannah Morrison, Jordan White, Olivia Brintlinger-Conn, Julian Roberts, Isaiah Slepicka (behind), Charlotte Walkey, Elizabeth Smith, Duard Headley (behind), Callie Smith, Ziven Siler (behind), Holly Weir, Danny Grote (behind), Danielle Horton, Annabel Welsh and Sam Green. (Submitted Photo)

    2016 Year in Review: village schools

  • Holiday tunes warm the night

    The Yellow Springs Community Band performed a selection of holiday music for its annual Winter Holiday concert. (Photo by Dylan Taylor-Lehman)

    The Yellow Springs Community Band performed a selection of holiday music for its annual Winter Holiday concert.

  • Yellow Springs Schools opt for locked doors

    At its December meeting, the school board agreed to go forward with plans to add a buzzer and camera to the front doors of Mills Lawn Elementary, a decision spurred by recent events in that school.

  • YSHS bowlers mingle with big time

    The YSHS bowling team was one of 52 teams crammed into Beaver-Vu lanes last week as part of tournament hosted by Wright State University’s bowling program. So packed was the tournament that spectators brought stepping stools and homemade periscopes. Coach Matt Cole said that organizers were very happy to introduce a first-year team into the fold. (Photo by Dylan Taylor-Lehman)

    When pulling up to a bowling alley, one does not normally expect to have to park at an ancillary lot a few buildings away or navigate the sardine-tight crowd inside the bowling alley.

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