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Articles by Dylan Taylor-Lehman :: Page 8

  • Food aid for villagers in need

    The Dayton Foodbank’s Andy Macy and Yellow Springs resident and volunteer Susan Pfeiffer distributed food items in Yellow Springs last month as part of the Foodbank’s mobile pantry. The pantry stops every fourth Tuesday of the month in Yellow Springs, and aims to provide food items to the quarter of the Yellow Springs population that qualifies to receive it. (Submitted photo)

    Given the higher median income and sense of community that characterizes Yellow Springs, it might be hard for some to imagine that there are residents who experience what is known as “food insecurity” — limited or uncertain access to food.

  • Yarn Registry BLOG: A Landfill is an Ecosystem Unto Itself, part III

    Insects are important to the decomposition of garbage because they eat a lot of trash and tunnel their way through it, which mixes and aerates it. Some insects find their way to the trash, while some are inadvertently brought to it. In interesting case of filth in reverse, cockroaches are often found in landfills, as they hitch a ride in the belongings humans have discarded.

  • Local men and women Stand Up!

    A group of about 250 demonstrators gathered on Xenia Avenue last week to “repudiate the bigotry and disgraceful behavior” exemplified by Trump’s comments on the “Access Hollywood” video. Among them were, from left, Will Gregor, Teresa Dunphy, Tommaso Gregor, Beth Holyoke and Andy Holyoke. (Photo by Matt Minde)

    Last Wednesday, Xenia Avenue was lined, as it sometimes is, with people holding signs with bold political slogans and rallying for social justice for women.

  • November 10, 2016 Bulldog sports round-up

    November 10, 2016 Bulldog sports round-up

  • School’s out for district janitor

    Yellow Springs school district’s long-time custodian Jerry Upton is retiring after 30 years on the job. His tenure with the school has had him driving buses, doing groundskeeping work and working in long-gone buildings. He has learned in a number of different skills via a number of different positions, and still gets greeted warmly by students who have long ago graduated. (Photo by Dylan Taylor-Lehman)

    About halfway through the school year, the district will say goodbye to one of its senior-most employees, longtime custodian, groundskeeper and bus driver Jerry Upton.

  • Yarn Registry BLOG: A Landfill is an Ecosystem Unto Itself, part II

    The smallest layer of life in a landfill — a “robust set” of microscopic bacteria, fungus, yeast, and protozoa — consumes and digests organic materials in garbage, breaking it down like an enormous compost pile and producing huge amounts of methane gas as a byproduct of their activities.

  • November 3, 2016 Bulldog sports round-up

    The Yellow Springs Bulldogs pose with their hard-earned district championship trophy, which they earned last week after beating conference rivals Dayton Christian 1–0. “Our boys wanted it more than them,” said coach Ben Van Ausdal. “They feel like they could beat anybody right now.”The team unlocked the next level of tournament play, and will be fighting tooth and nail this week for victory at the regional semi-finals. (Submitted photo)

    November 3, 2016 Bulldog sports round-up

  • Indie film, big-budget humor

    Writer, director and Yellow Springs resident Joel Moss Levinson (with hands raised) directed on set at a recording studio in Kettering last week. Levinson and his brother, Stephen, wrote and directed “Boy Band,” a comedy musical about a boy band trying to make their comeback album 17 years later. The production is being shot on location in Dayton and the Miami Valley, and features nationally known stand-up comics as members of the boy band. (Photo by Dylan Taylor-Lehman)

    Last week, at the end of a quiet residential street in Kettering, a recording studio was taken over by a film crew. Outside were box trucks full of equipment, miles of cables running to and from the buildings, and an impressive spread of catered food.

  • Yarn Registry BLOG: A Landfill is an Ecosystem Unto Itself, part I

    The concentration of man-made goods, harsh chemicals, and organic waste all rotting together makes for an environment that doesn’t — and can’t — exist anywhere in the natural world. And yet the landfill is teeming with life. Landfills, while ostensibly inhospitable, have become a biological niche, a biome based around humanity’s waste.

  • October 27 — Bulldog Sport Round-up

    above: McKinney Middle School runner Pete Freeman (4749) ran the two-mile race as part of last week’s Yellow Springs Invitational, hosted by Young’s Dairy. The McKinney Middle School and YSHS cross-country team also took part in the meet, running boys’ and girls’ 5Ks. Freeman finished with a time of 13:18. Below: The YSHS boys Bulldogs ran among the pack of hundreds of other runners in the Yellow Springs Invitational. Over 35 schools competed in the meet, with hundreds of runners per race. (photos by Dylan Taylor-Lehman)

    Bulldog Sport Round-up — October 27, 2016

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