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Articles by Dylan Taylor-Lehman :: Page 9

  • New Antioch College class, smaller than hoped

    Antioch College President Tom Manley spoke with freshman Eva Westermeyer at a meet-and-greet event earlier this month during welcome week. Westermeyer is one of 44 students in this year’s incoming class, hailing from 15 states. Thirty-nine percent of the class of 2020 are students of color, and 46 percent are the first in their family to attend college. (Photo by Dylan Taylor-Lehman)

    At just 44 students, Antioch College’s incoming class, the class of 2020 represents a moment of both promise and peril for the college.

  • School board— Eighth graders may travel to NYC

    Thanks in part to the success of the seventh-grade “Into the Wild” trip, McKinney Middle School teachers are seeking to enlarge the scope of the annual eighth-grade trip to Washington, D.C., scheduled to depart on May 4.

  • October 20, 2016 Bulldog sports round-up

    The YSHS volleyball team, the 2016 Metro Buckeye Conference champions, posed for a celebratory photo at home last week. Back row, from left: Bill Stewart (assistant coach), Tracy Clark (assistant coach), Kelsie Lemons, Elle Peifer, Alex Ronnebaum, Nia Stewart, Tyler Linkhart, Dede Cheatom, Payden Kegley and Chris Linkhart (head coach). Front row, from left, Danny Horton, Julian Roberts, Elizabeth Smith, Aliza Skinner and Kasey Linkhart. (Submitted Photo)

    October 20, 2016 Bulldog sports round-up

  • New officer joins Yellow Springs Police Department

    New YSPD officer Allison Saurber stood in front of her new headquarters, where she has been learning the ropes of her new assignment as a patrol officer. She formerly worked in the Butler County jail as a corrections officer. (Photo by Dylan TaYlor-Lehman)

    There’s a new officer in town, a new addition to the Yellow Springs Police Department who will add to a force that recently has been down three officers.

  • YSTC production— ‘Wicked’ play comes our way

    From left to right, “sideshow freaks” Ben McKee, Victoria Walters, Brian Upchurch, Ali Thomas and Joshua Hayward loom around Ben Cronan, seated, who plays Mr. Cooger in Yellow Springs Theater Company’s production of Ray Bradbury’s “Something Wicked This Way Comes.” The play features a number of odd locations and weird characters, an appealing feature for the actors involved. Opening night is Friday, Oct. 14, at 8 p.m., at the First Presbyterian Church. (Photo by Dylan Taylor-Lehman)

    The auditorium of First Presbyterian Church was echoing with strange howls and exclamations last week, as a klatch of “carnival freaks” formed a circle and wailed around two adolescent friends. It was a strange sight to behold.

  • Yarn Registry – Can Older Brothers be Trusted? (Probably not.)

    “When I was younger, I would try to get my brother to believe outrageous things. The idea was to tell him something plausible enough to sound legit but ridiculous enough that if he believed it, he would look dumb and I would look hilarious.”

  • October 13, 2016 Bulldog sports round-up

    Ball boys Jason Knemeyer, Eli Eyrich and Josh Clark stood at attention at the Bulldogs game against the Columbus International Lions. The ball boys were tasked with patrolling the perimeter of the game and throwing balls to the players or referees when it was needed. They also filled this reporter in on the strategy of the game, which the Bulldogs won 7–1. (Photo by Dylan Taylor-Lehman)

    October 13, 2016 Bulldog sports round-up

  • Former CEO turns talents to art

    Yellow Springs resident Richard Lapedes has occupied his MillWorks studio for 12 years. He will be opening his first show on Oct. 21 at the Yellow Springs Arts Council Gallery. The show, entitled “Sculpture: Recovering from 30 years of Management,” celebrates his retirement from the corporate world but also incorporates the lessons he learned from it. (Photo by Dylan Taylor-Lehman)

    The title of Richard Lapedes’s upcoming first show — “Sculpture: Recovering from 30 years of Management” — sums up his feelings on the matter.

  • Building plans considered for aging schools

    The school board is taking steps to deal with what it characterizes as aging infrastructure in Yellow Springs’ two school buildings: Mills Lawn Elementary and McKinney Middle School/Yellow Springs High School.

  • October 6, 2016 Bulldog sports round-up

    Lady Bulldog Tyler Linkhart, #8, gave it her all against the Legacy Christian Knights at home on Sept. 29. The Bulldogs won after an early lead by the Christian Knights in the first set, 25–14, 25–11, 25–16. The YSHS record is now 11–4 (5–1 conference). (Photo by Dylan Taylor-Lehman)

    October 6, 2016 Bulldog sports round-up

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