Articles by Lauren Shows :: Page 62
Local woman celebrates TV appearance
Local entrepreneur Jan Augenstein will appear on ABC’s “Shark Tank” on Friday, April 15 at 9 p.m.
Godzilla comes to the village
Super-Fly Comics and Games is one of 100 comic stores in the U.S. to be featured on a retailer-exclusive cover of comic publisher IDW’s Godzilla: Kingdom of Monsters #1.
Antioch welcomes back Rahmanian
Hassan Rahmanian, Ph.D. will return to Antioch College as its dean for curriculum, assessment, planning and interdisciplinary learning.
BLOG – Wordsmithery in action
Wherein I pontificate about Monday night’s poetry reading, hosted by myself and my partner, Anthony, at the YSAC Gallery.
Acoustic Ecology Series continues
The next installment in the monthly Acoustic Ecology Series at Glen Helen takes place tonight, 7-9 p.m., in Glen Helen Auditorium.
BLOG – Puppy (and kitty, etc.) love
Even as a newbie, I should not have been surprised at the community’s overwhelmingly compassionate reaction to a recent raid on a nearby no-kill shelter.
Film fest features local films
Saturday, Feb. 5 marks the premiere of the second annual Yellow Springs Short Film Festival
BLOG — Perpetually pondering pizza
I have heard it said that there’s no such thing as bad pizza. I have heard it said because I have said it. I’m kinda of the opinion that it’s not possible to go wrong with bread, tomato sauce and cheese; everything else is incidental. How lucky am I, then, to have moved to a […]
Local band plays for food and funds
Yellow Springs band Mack and the Rockets will present a “rent party” on Friday, Jan. 21 at CJ’s Southern Cookin’ to benefit the restaurant.
Former YSHS student makes a refreshing proposal
A former YSHS student is in the running to have her coastal clean-up project funded by Pepsi.
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