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Articles by Lauren Shows :: Page 62

  • Local woman celebrates TV appearance

    Local entrepreneur Jan Augenstein will appear on ABC’s “Shark Tank” on Friday, April 15 at 9 p.m.

  • Godzilla comes to the village

    Super-Fly Comics and Games is one of 100 comic stores in the U.S. to be featured on a retailer-exclusive cover of comic publisher IDW’s Godzilla: Kingdom of Monsters #1.

  • Antioch welcomes back Rahmanian

    Hassan Rahmanian, Ph.D. will return to Antioch College as its dean for curriculum, assessment, planning and interdisciplinary learning.

  • BLOG – Wordsmithery in action

    Wherein I pontificate about Monday night’s poetry reading, hosted by myself and my partner, Anthony, at the YSAC Gallery.

  • Acoustic Ecology Series continues

    The next installment in the monthly Acoustic Ecology Series at Glen Helen takes place tonight, 7-9 p.m., in Glen Helen Auditorium.

  • BLOG – Puppy (and kitty, etc.) love

    Even as a newbie, I should not have been surprised at the community’s overwhelmingly compassionate reaction to a recent raid on a nearby no-kill shelter.

  • Film fest features local films

    Saturday, Feb. 5 marks the premiere of the second annual Yellow Springs Short Film Festival

  • BLOG — Perpetually pondering pizza

    I have heard it said that there’s no such thing as bad pizza. I have heard it said because I have said it. I’m kinda of the opinion that it’s not possible to go wrong with bread, tomato sauce and cheese; everything else is incidental. How lucky am I, then, to have moved to a […]

  • Local band plays for food and funds

    Yellow Springs band Mack and the Rockets will present a “rent party” on Friday, Jan. 21 at CJ’s Southern Cookin’ to benefit the restaurant.

  • Former YSHS student makes a refreshing proposal

    A former YSHS student is in the running to have her coastal clean-up project funded by Pepsi.

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