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Articles by Matt Minde :: Page 26

  • Three time’s a charm— Antioch celebrates with new tower

    Even with all the construction going on these days at the Antioch College campus, it would be difficult to miss the addition of a third tower over the south wing of Main Building.

  • Pamela Kaelin

    Pamela Kaelin

    On March 15, sister, friend and Stefany’s grandmother Pamela “Kooki” Kaelin died.

  • Irish step dancers entertain Mills Lawn students

    Members of the Celtic Acacemy of Irish Dance visited Mills Lawn School Friday, March 16, for a St. Patrick's Day demonstration. (Photos by Matt Minde)

    Irish step dancers livened up a St. Patrick’s day assembly on Friday morning, March 16.

  • Hula whoops!

    Mills Lawn After School Care Community Enrichment students give it a whirl at a demonstration of the "circus feats" part of the Circus Feats and Healthy Treats enrichment class. (Photos by Matt Minde)

    Many Mills Lawn After School Care children showed off their handiwork from special Community Enrichment courses.

  • Steinberg memorial held

    There will be a short memorial service for Bea Steinberg on Friday, March 9, at the Friends Care Extended Living Facility.

  • Gregory Frank

    Gregory Frank

    Gregory Paul Frank, artist extraordinaire, died Feb. 29. He was 65.

  • 2011 busy for Village government

    Yellow Springs Village government achieved a variety of accomplishments during 2011, according to Village Manager Mark Cundiff during his annual report at Council’s Feb. 6 meeting.

  • News wins top state prize

    For the second year in a row and the third time in the past five years, the Yellow Springs News was honored as the top newspaper in its size category at the annual Ohio Newspaper Association convention.

  • Martin Murie

    Martin Murie died Jan. 28 after a brief illness.

  • Council Meeting Agenda

    Tuesday, Jan. 17, 2012, 7:00 p.m.

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