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Articles by Megan Bachman :: Page 124

  • AACW’s Bluesfest to rock out the weekend

    AACW’s 14th annual Blues and Jazz Festival this weekend will feature blues, reggae, open mic poetry and gospel music. See the full schedule and a video from last year’s festival.

  • AUM leads health advocacy

    Already a pioneer in its training of advocates who help guide patients and families through the healthcare system, Antioch University Midwest’s Healthcare Consumer Advocacy Certificate Program is now looking to spur new collaborations among healthcare providers in the Miami Valley.

  • Alley event to support women’s rights

    Sarah Jones and Lori Askeland are organizing a pro-choice rally to raise awareness about legislative attacks on women’s reproductive rights. The event, Back in the Alley, takes place at 7 p.m., Friday, Aug. 19, in Kieth’s Alley behind Ohio Silver, 245 Xenia Avenue. (Photo by Megan Bachman)

    Legislative attacks on women’s reproductive rights are pushing them “back in the alley,” according to organizers of a local event to protest state and federal efforts to limit abortion.

  • Casselli’s contemporary artwork opens at Emporium

    Michael Casselli’s contemporary and experimental artwork now has a home in the village in new exhibit at the Emporium Cafe and an electric installation along the bike path.

  • VIDEO: Back in the Alley pro-choice rally in YS

    Organizer Lori Askeland laid out Ohio's legislative attempts to restrict women's reproductive choice at a rally on Friday. (Photo by Megan Bachman)

    Women’s reproductive rights are threatened, pushing them “back in the alley,” according to organizers of a local event last Friday. See a video recap.

  • BLOG: Ride Some Village Vibes

    Village Vibes

    In Yellow Springs, the local music scene is thriving. Through my new blog Village Vibes I’ll profile local bands, preview upcoming shows, produce videos of live performances and more.

  • Original art, outside on summer’s day

    Local artist Sue Brezine helped organize Village Artisans’ 28th annual Art on the Lawn arts and crafts festival, which takes place this Saturday, Aug. 13, from 10 a.m. to 5 p.m. on the grounds of Mills Lawn Elementary School. Brezine stands before a set of canine paintings by Mozart Dane, who is the festival’s featured artist. (Photo by Megan Bachman)

    The annual fine arts show held in Yellow Springs during the dog days of August will feature a Great Dane this year who paints with his paws.

  • Rehab wing opens at Friends Care

    Karl Zalar, director of Friends Care Community, stands in the center’s recently completed rehabilitation wing. An open house for the new wing will take place Saturday, Aug. 20, 2–5 p.m. at the FCC campus. (Photo by Megan Bachman)

    When the new $2.25 million rehabilitation wing at Friends Care Community officially opens next week, the organization will have much to celebrate.

  • Calling all Browns fans

    A Yellow Springs dawg pound is forming. Find out how to join.

  • Play for the Bulldogs

    The fall sports season in Yellow Springs starts soon. Click here for more recreational and high school sports sign-up information.

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