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Articles by Megan Bachman :: Page 123

  • Boys soccer team wins thrilling home opener

    This week the YSHS boys soccer team won a thrilling match at home as the forward Jacob Trumbull netted a hat trick on the night. See more photos from the game.

  • BLOG: The soul of Emma Woodruff

    The soulful, cathartic vocals of local singer-songwriter Emma Woodruff hit like a wall of emotion. Free song downloads and a video from her recent concert follow the jump.

  • A world of Legos not just for kids

    Kyle Peterson opened the Lego set and accessory store Blokhedz on Dayton Street last month. From the space he also runs Brick Forge, a successful minifigure customized accessory company that he started in his garage. Peterson, an Adult Fan of Lego, recently showed off a meteor crash he built for the store’s window display. (Photo by Megan Bachman)

    Playing with Legos may be a child’s game, but the colorful plastic bricks have long been Kyle Peterson’s adult hobby and, for the last six years, his livelihood.

  • Artist Michael Casselli — Art, talk that sizzles and sparks

    In his studio, contemporary artist Michael Casselli surveyed the handmade paper he learned to create for a recent exhibition. His current Emporium show, ‘Works on Paper,’ features seven printed images of abstracted young faces to emphasize the intangible quality of memory. It runs until Sept. 30. (Photo by Megan Bachman)

    From his 5,000-square-foot studio in Millworks, Michael Casselli creates artwork that sparks and fizzes, blurs boundaries and engages all senses.

  • Family philanthropy benefits Yellow Springs

    Playing at the Yellow Springs Community Children’s Center, near a new fence financed with a 2009 Morgan Family Foundation grant, are Oliver Bahn and Isaac Ellis. The Morgan Family Foundation, which has given away millions of dollars to local groups since 2003, was founded by Lee and Vicki Morgan. At each family reunion the Morgan Family Foundation offers each family member the opportunity to give $500 to an organization of their choice. (Submitted Photo)

    Many Yellow Springs nonprofits have a friend in the Morgan Family Foundation, which has contributed several million dollars to local groups since 2003.

  • No-fracking event aims to mobilize

    Yellow Springs will host a regional meeting of community organizers working to prevent hydraulic fracturing, a controversial drilling technique linked to groundwater contamination.

  • BLOG: Catching up with Sport Fishing USA

    Sport Fishing USA is angling for its share of the Yellow Springs music scene. Free downloads from the rock trio follow the jump.

  • Orme drives the distance for YSHS

    With her strong driver, sophomore Rachele Orme led the young but potent YSHS golf squad in a match against Dayton Christian on Thursday at Locust Hills.

  • AACW Blues Fest— Learning, love and music

    At this year’s annual Blues and Jazz Fest, African American Cross-Cultural Works can be expected to deliver another lineup of strong bands that draw large crowds.

  • The village is breaking out in hives

    Brian Johnson checked in on one of his hives on a recent warm afternoon, when the bees would be happy enough to let him take a peek. Lifting up a comb on a top-bar hive on Yellow Springs-Fairfield Pike, Johnson said the honey is forming well and will soon be ready to harvest. Johnson is one of a growing group of local beekeepers. (Photo by Megan Bachman)

    Thanks to village beekeepers, the town’s flowering trees and vegetation might be healthier, backyard gardens more productive and fruit trees more fruitful.

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