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Articles by Megan Bachman :: Page 87

  • Records crushed at MBC meet

    The McKinney track team broke 15 school records this season, including at last week’s league meet.

  • YSHS athletes win scholarships

    Six Yellow Springs High School seniors committed to play collegiate sports in recent months.

  • Guest learned by teaching

    Ellen Guest retires after 35 years in the Yellow Springs School District. A first and second grade teacher at Mills Lawn for the last 12 years, Guest encouraged nature observation and incorporated project-based learning into the classroom. Guest is pictured at one of the many gardens she planted with students at Mills Lawn. (Photo by Megan Bachman)

    While the district will begin so-called project-based learning (PBL) next school year, Ellen Guest has been exploring similar methods for decades, squeezing in projects wherever she could. That’s one reason her retirement at the end of this school year is tinged with sadness.

  • May 23, 2013 Bulldog sports round-up

    May 23, 2013 Bulldog sports round-up

  • Healing with rhythm “Prayerformance”

    “Into the Dark Forest,” a one-woman “prayerformance” by Nicole Manieri, will be paired with the “Dance of Liberation” on Friday May 24.

  • Athletes to play in college

    Six YSHS seniors committed to play sports in college at a ceremony last week.

  • Bulldog sports round-up

    Girls track wins Bulldog Invite Three of the seven meet records smashed at Saturday’s Bulldog Invitational were made by the winning Yellow Springs Bulldogs. The feats were accompanied by victories in the discus, mile and 3200-meter runs resulting in the Lady Bulldogs running up a 54-point margin over the second-place Crusaders from Xenia Christian. Senior […]

  • Valedictorian, salutatorian— Grades are good, learning’s better

    Lois Miller, valedictorian, and Hunter Lawson are members of the National Honor Society and received academic scholarships from their respective colleges. They will speak at the YSHS graduation on May 30 at 7 p.m.

  • Police issue arrest warrant

    There have been nine burglaries and two attempted break-ins since January. Police are investigating a possible suspect.

  • School librarian grew many readers

    Yellow Springs School’s librarian Mary Ann Christopher retires this month after 25 years with the district. Christopher, who lives in Beavercreek, spent 16 years in the library. Here she stands amongst the stacks she helped cultivate at the YSHS library. (Photo by Megan Bachman)

    The right book in the hands of the right student can be magic, says retiring school librarian Mary Ann Christopher, who has hooked many a student on books in her 16 years as the librarian of Yellow Springs Schools.

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