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Articles by Megan Bachman :: Page 89

  • New coach steps up to the plate

    New YSHS baseball head coach Ben Cooper hopes to lead the team through its first complete season in three years.

  • Springfield vs. Yellow Springs — Comparing two waters

    Like Yellow Springs, Springfield was named by early settlers for its abundant underground water resources, which on the surface manifest as gushing springs. The groundwater aquifers tapped for drinking water by both communities remain highly productive today.

  • Bulldog sports round-up

    April 18, 2013 Bulldog sports round-up

  • Tour Springfield and YS water plants

    Villagers are invited to tour the Springfield and Yellow Springs water treatment plants on Friday, April 5, ahead of a Council decision on water sourcing.

  • Potluck brings out eco-maniacs

    At a competitive community potluck, locally-grown ingredients were just the beginning.

  • Wasp named for ‘lord of the flies’

    Entomologist John Stireman, who lives in the village and works at Wright State University, was honored in November by having a newly-identified wasp, the Ilatha Stiremani, named after him. (Photo by Megan Bachman)

    In the 1979 science fiction horror film Alien, a parasitic extraterrestrial bursts out of an astronaut’s chest, killing him, in the film’s iconic scene. The lifecycle of parasitic insects is not much different, according to Wright State entomologist and Yellow Springs resident John Stireman.

  • Forget Park Place; buy Antioch

    A local version of the 80-year-old fast-dealing property trading game of Monopoly is coming to Yellow Springs. Envisioned as a way to promote the town, its businesses, non-profits and quirky culture, an informal group of merchants and villagers designed a local Monopoly board game over the last few months.

  • Well-capping raises concern over Vernay plume clean-up

    A proposed well-capping ordinance backed by Vernay Laboratories and the Greene County Combined Health District to prevent contamination from groundwater polluted by Vernay has raised concerns among some neighbors, who view the effort as an attempt by Vernay to circumvent long-term cleanup effort.

  • Library hosts healing workshops

    Local holistic health practitioner Virgil Mayor Apostol, who has been practicing massage, manual medicine and spiritual healing locally since the fall, will teach a free workshop series on Filipino healing practices at the library this month. The workshops kick off with a lecture on the healing traditions of Phillipines at 6 p.m. on Wednesday, Feb. 13 in the meeting room of the Yellow Springs Public Library. (Photo by Megan Bachman)

    A free workshop series on Filipino healing traditions presented by local holistic health practitioner Virgil Mayor Apostol begins with a lecture at 6 p.m. Wednesday, Feb. 13, at the Yellow Springs Public Library.

  • February 7, 2013 Bulldog Sports Round-up

    YSHS Girls Basketball (Photo by Megan Bachman)

    February 7, 2013 Bulldog Sports Round-up

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