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Articles About Antioch College reunion :: Page 2

  • Bequest boosts town/gown unity

    A $3 million bequest from the estate of longtime Antioch College faculty member Nolan Miller and his brother Richard Miller will enable Antioch College to financially support its students who wish to work in nonprofit organizations in Yellow Springs…

  • Gegner event: YS civil rights legacy

    As idealistic Antioch students, Hardy Trolander, Paul Graham, Joni Rabinowitz and Prexy Nesbitt participated in local civil rights actions to desegregate Yellow Springs, culminating in the famous 1964 Gegner barbershop incident that led to the arrests of more than 100 people.

  • Denman is another Mr. Antioch

    Al Denman could never decide whether to describe himself as a wandering wonderer or a wondering wanderer. But he hasn’t strayed far from the Antioch College he calls home since he came to Yellow Springs in 1965.

  • Alumni celebrate their new college

    Alumni from across the country who came to Yellow Springs for the weekend reunion. The event was a celebration of the revival of Antioch College as an independent liberal arts institution, a deal finalized Sept. 4 when alumni leaders received the keys to the college from leaders of Antioch University.

  • Alumni housing needed for Antioch College reunion

    Villagers who want to contribute to enhancing the relationship between Yellow Springs and the recently-revived Antioch College have an opportunity to do so by opening their homes to alumni for the upcoming Antioch College alumni reunion. “The idea is to keep building the network between town and gown,” said Steven Duffy, the assistant director of […]

  • New hope, new purpose at ‘08 Antioch alumni reunion

    A little more than a week ago, this week’s Antioch College Alumni Reunion seemed notable for possibly being the last reunion of the 155-year-old institution before Antioch closes its doors June 30.

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