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Articles About Greene County Board of Commissioners

  • Neighbors split on 1,500-acre Kingwood Solar field project

    An estimated 300 people crowded into the Expo Center at the Greene County Fairgrounds on Monday evening, Nov. 15, for a public hearing on the proposed 1,500-acre Kingwood Solar field project.

  • South end development— County approves annex

    During their regular meeting on April 29, the Greene County Board of Commissioners unanimously granted an annexation petition from Oberer Land Developers to add their 34 acres of land in Miami Township to the southern edge of Yellow Springs.

  • County commissioners—Jail, voting machines discussed

    Plans for a new jail, the purchase of new voting machines and public access to commissioner meetings were among the topics raised by local citizens at last Tuesday’s Greene County Board of Commissioners “town hall” meeting in Yellow Springs. 

  • County role serves public, courts

    Yellow Springs resident AJ Williams has been appointed Greene County Clerk of Courts after the retirement of longtime Clerk Terri Mazur. He will be sworn into office Feb. 2, and will represent the Greene County Republican Party in the May 8 primary. (Photo by Carol Simmons)

    The nameplate on the door of the Greene County Clerk of Courts office still listed longtime clerk Terri Mazur as the occupant mid-month, even though Yellow Springs resident AJ Williams had taken up residence at the first of the year.

  • Richard P. Eastman Covered Bridge opens

    About 200 people gathered Friday morning, May 9, for the opening and dedication of the new Richard P. Eastman Hyde Road covered bridge. The structure crosses a section of the Little Miami Scenic Trail. Present at the ribbon cutting are Richard Eastman's wife Wilberta "Billie" Eastman, at front, with son John at left. (Photos by Carol Simmons)

    About 200 people gathered Friday morning, May 9, for the opening and dedication of the new Richard P. Eastman Hyde Road covered bridge.

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