Articles About Village Council :: Page 16
Process, ethics clarified in joint Council and Planning Commission meeting
In recent months, a number of conditional use applications for construction projects around the village have either been approved by the Village’s Planning Commission, or are in the pipeline for approval
Village Council finalizes building department, eyes municipal broadband
At its regular meeting, held online via Zoom on Tuesday, Sept. 7, Village Council approved the final measure needed to create a building department for Yellow Springs.
Village Council seeks $4 million grant for broadband infrastructure
At its Monday, Aug. 16, regular meeting, Council voted unanimously to apply for a $4 million federal grant to build broadband infrastructure in the Village.
Council takes steps to create building department
At its regular meeting held virtually on Aug. 16, Village Council took additional steps to create a local building department. First, Council approved an ordinance that would create a fee schedule for building permits; second, they approved a resolution that enters into a contract with National Inspection Corporation, or NIC.
COVID-19 update: Variant spurs new restrictions
Last week, Village Council moved its meetings back online and revived its downtown mask mandate. The Yellow Springs Chamber of Commerce canceled the Oct. 9 Street Fair. Community events are once again paused or going remote. Vaccine mandates have been announced.
Yellow Springs mask mandate revived
At an emergency meeting on Monday, Aug. 9, conducted remotely via Zoom, Village Council declared a state of emergency in the Village and re-enacted its downtown mask mandate, effective immediately.
Village Council appoves local building department
At its regular meeting on July 6, Village Council unanimously approved the creation of a local building department. Two ordinances — one for residential permits and the other for commercial — were passed as an emergency.
Council to annex 34 acres for residential development
Oberer, a Miamisburg semi-custom home builder, owns 55 acres at the southern end of Spillan Road, with 17 acres already within village limits. Oberer plans to build 138 housing units, with houses expected to start at $280,000.
MacQueen off YSDC
The June meeting of the Yellow Springs Development Corporation, or YSDC, began with the surprise announcement that Marianne MacQueen, one of Village Council’s two representatives on the semi-governmental group, was “stepping down effective immediately.”
Village Council — Weeds are out, ‘managed’ yards are in
Villagers who are maintaining a natural landscape of native grasses and plants in their yard no longer have to comply with height limits on their plantings.However, those who simply “let their yards go” must pull the noxious weeds likely growing there and keep grasses to nine inches, or less.
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