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Articles About Yellow Springs Board of Education :: Page 8

  • School facilities— Forum takes public pulse

    Questions about costs, the future of the Mills Lawn school property and recommendations by the Ohio Facilities Construction Commission dominated public comments last week during the first of three planned community forums to discuss the future of Yellow Springs’ public school buildings.

  • Yellow Springs school facilities— School board names architect firm

    On Thursday, Jan. 14, board members unanimously approved a contract with SHP Leading Design, designating the Cincinnati-based firm as the “pre-bond architect” that will work with the district in developing a new master plan for Yellow Springs school facilities.

  • 2020 Year in Review: Village Schools

    Calendar year 2020 began and ended with Yellow Springs school district leaders discussing identified structural needs in the local school buildings and how to address them, but the majority of the year was occupied by the district’s response to the COVID-19 pandemic.

  • YS Schools— Board OKs hybrid transition plan

    Yellow Springs school district leaders are making plans for students to return to in-person classes, but exactly when that will be is uncertain.

  • Schools project deficit by 2024

    With the expectation that the district will be going to voters for more funds in the form of a facilities bond levy in late 2021, Treasurer Emrick presented the annual five-year financial forecast during the school board’s most recent meeting.

  • Yellow Springs Schools facilities upgrades— $30 million cost expected

    Yellow Springs School District leaders anticipate a $30 million price tag, at minimum, to upgrade the district’s buildings, whether those improvements take the form of new construction or major renovations.

  • Yellow Springs Board of Education • Virtual Meeting

    Yellow Springs Board of Education • Legal Notice

  • YS School Board — Superintendent search begins

    Following the announcement that Superintendent Mario Basora would be taking the job of superintendent of Huber Heights schools, the Yellow Springs School Board held a special meeting to authorize the hiring of Susan Griffith as a consultant to facilitate the search for a new superintendent.

  • Superintendent Basora accepts position in Huber Heights

    After nine years as superintendent at Yellow Springs Schools, Mario Basora will leave for the top district job in nearby Huber Heights. (Photo by Gary McBride)

    After nine years at the helm of the local school district, Yellow Springs Schools Superintendent Mario Basora will leave for the top district job in nearby Huber Heights.

  • YS school board — District seeks levy renewal

    With a renewal levy on the Nov. 6 ballot, Yellow Springs school  district leaders want local voters to know that the measure, if approved, will not increase their tax bill.

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