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Articles About Yellow Springs Theater Company :: Page 4

  • “Killers” play explores violence, human nature

    “Killers,” an original play written by Thor Sage, will be put on by the Yellow Springs Theater Company at the Antioch Foundry Theater over the next two weekends.

  • A risky, comic ‘Joan D’Arc’

    Charlotte Walkey, left, gave an impassioned monologue as Joan of Arc during a rehearsal for “D’Arc Comedy,” a play that opens at the Antioch Amphitheatre at 8 p.m. Saturday, May 31. Behind Joan, looking on unimpressed by her speech, are the saints of her visions, St. Michael (Thor Sage), St. Catherine (Miriam Eckenrode-Saari) and St. Margaret (Ali Thomas). “D’Arc Comedy” is the first production of the new Yellow Springs Theater Company. (Photo by Megan Bachman)

    Starving in a prison cell in France awaiting trial for heresy, the 15th century teenage heroine Joan of Arc had little to laugh about.

    But add comedic banter between the saints in her visions, a puppet show reenacting the entire 100 Years War between France and England, and the high drama of a modern cable television talk show, “Saint Chat,” and suddenly a story that ends with a burning at the stake may seem funny.

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