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Articles About Yellow Springs Theater Company :: Page 3

  • Playtime

    The annual Ten Minute Play Festival features short plays by a number of local playwrights. Pictured are actors Ellen Ballerene, Lucas Mulhall, Ali Thomas, Dinah Anderson, Lorrie Sparrow-Knapp and Lucas Samson, rehearsing a piece about a group of cartographers. (Submitted photo by Miriam Eckenrode-Saari)

    The annual Ten Minute Play Festival happens this weekend, sponsored by the Yellow Springs Theater Company, or YSTC.

  • Yellow Springs takes part in nationwide reading— Play asks, Can it happen here?

    Yellow Springs is taking part in a nationwide staged reading of a new adaptation of Sinclair Lewis’s political novel, “It Can’t Happen Here.” More than 40 venues will host readings of the play on Monday, Oct. 24, with our local reading scheduled for 6 p.m. at the Yellow Springs library. The Berkeley Repertory Theatre in California is organizing the nationwide event; Yellow Springs organizers are Ara Beal and Lorrie Sparrow-Knapp. (Image courtesy of the Berkeley Repertory Theatre)

    A prescient novel from 1935 is getting new life as a touchstone for our current presidential season.

  • YSTC production— ‘Wicked’ play comes our way

    From left to right, “sideshow freaks” Ben McKee, Victoria Walters, Brian Upchurch, Ali Thomas and Joshua Hayward loom around Ben Cronan, seated, who plays Mr. Cooger in Yellow Springs Theater Company’s production of Ray Bradbury’s “Something Wicked This Way Comes.” The play features a number of odd locations and weird characters, an appealing feature for the actors involved. Opening night is Friday, Oct. 14, at 8 p.m., at the First Presbyterian Church. (Photo by Dylan Taylor-Lehman)

    The auditorium of First Presbyterian Church was echoing with strange howls and exclamations last week, as a klatch of “carnival freaks” formed a circle and wailed around two adolescent friends. It was a strange sight to behold.

  • The Bard, back under the stars at Antioch College

    Miriam Eckenrode Saari and Garrett Young danced to a sprightly fiddle tune (courtesy of the Corndrinkers, in background) during a rehearsal of Shakespeare’s “Much Ado About Nothing” last week. Performances are free, and will be held outside Antioch Hall (Main Building) on Fridays and Saturdays, July 15–16 and 22–23. Curtain is at 8 p.m. (Photo by Audrey Hackett)

    Yellow Springs and Antioch College were once known around the world for a precedent-setting outdoor Shakespeare festival. This month, that tradition is being revived — in a small way, but with the hope of bigger things to come.

  • Coward’s Fresh, fun ‘Blithe Spirit’ on stage

    The ghost of socialite Elvira Condomine (played by Ellen Ballerene) calmed the troubled brow of her remarried husband, Charles (portrayed by Robert Campbell), in The Yellow Springs Theater Company’s new production of Noel Coward’s comedy “Blithe Spirit.” Performances begin this weekend, April 8–10, and conclude April 15–17 at First Presbyterian Church. Curtain times are 8 p.m. Fridays and Saturdays and 2 p.m. Sundays. (Photo by Carol Simmons)

    After two years of presenting a diverse array of plays to area audiences, the members of Yellow Springs Theater Company felt the time had come to add a strong comedy to the mix.

  • New plays, familiar faces on stage

    Miriam Eckenrode Saari (second from the left) directs cast members (from left) Coltin Pitstick, Anna Carlson and Bomani Moyenda in rehearsal for the allegorical play “Catch the Next Bus,” to be presented as part of the annual 10-Minute Plays Festival, which opens this weekend, Oct. 16–17, and continues next weekend, Oct. 23–24, at First Presbyterian Church. “Catch the Next Bus” will be featured during the festival’s second weekend. (photo by Carol Simmons)

    “If you’ve been in town for over a year, then you’ll know someone” participating in this year’s Ten-Minute Play Festival, says Ali Thomas, a co-producer with Miriam Eckenrode Saari of the latest local short-play showcase.

  • A play on timeless politics

    In a scene from “Inherit the Wind,” Shannon Lewis, as the mayor of Hillsboro and Rob Campbell, as Rev. Jeremiah Brown welcome Matthew Harrison Brady, the well-known Populist jurist and three-time presidential candidate played by Dave Nickel, with much fanfare. The Yellow Springs Theatre Association production opens Friday, June 5, at Mills Lawn auditorium and plays through this weekend and next. (Photo by Carol Simmons)

    The Yellow Springs Theater Company is completing its first season with a production of “Inherit the Wind,” which has been a stage favorite since it debuted in 1955.

  • Foundry Theater hard stage to share

    Since Foundry Theater reopened last summer after its first renovation since the 1980s, the black box at Antioch College has been busy.

  • ‘Godspell’ sings of community

    The Yellow Springs Theater Company presents “Godspell” this weekend and next, with performances Fridays and Saturdays, April 3, 4, 10 and 11 at 7:30 and Sundays, April 5 and 12 at 3 p.m. at the Mills Lawn gym. Shown above rehearsing are cast members, from left, Ali Thomas, Ellen Ballerene, Sommer McGuire, Sarah Wildman, Lorrie Sparrow (behind), Mila De Spain, Miriam Eckenrode Saari and Jeanna GunderKline. (Photo by Diane Chiddister)

    “Godspell,” with its focus on Jesus’ message of love and forgiveness, will come to Yellow Springs this weekend and next, April 3, 4, 10 and 11 at 7:30 p.m. and April 5 and 12 at 3 p.m. at the Mills Lawn gym.

  • Ten Minute Play Festival hits the stage this weekend

    The Yellow Springs Theater Company presents the Ten Minute Play Festival this Friday and Saturday night at the Presbyterian Church.

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