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Articles About 2020 Primary

  • Election results now final

    The Greene County Board of Elections certified election results on May 19 from the extended March 17 primary election. With all valid votes now counted, the certified results are in line with the earlier uncertified results, announced April 28.

  • Primary Election 2020 — Unofficial results in; jail tax fails

    Unofficial elections results are in for Ohio’s unprecedented mail-in primary.

  • Questions about voting in the extended primary

    The News answers some last-minute questions about the voting process in the extended March 17 primary election.

  • Delays, confusion in primary

    As the deadline for voting in Ohio’s 2020 primary election nears, Greene County voters are reporting worrisome waits in receiving their requested absentee ballots as well as confusion around sometimes contradictory instructions.

  • Ohio moves to mail-in voting

    Ohio primary voters have just over three weeks left to vote — by mail — in the extended primary election.

  • Ohio voting delayed

    In a series of rapid developments that took place hours before the Ohio presidential primary, in-person voting in the state was off, then on, then off again.

  • Prosecutor candidates offer competing visions

    The prosecutor oversees a budget of around $2 million and a staff of 14 attorneys to represent the State of Ohio in all felony cases and juvenile crimes in the county and cases involving county agencies.

  • MTFR seeks operating levy renewal

    Miami Township Fire-Rescue is in need of volunteers. (Photo via

    Among the ballot issues local voters will decide Tuesday, March 17, is a 3.8-mill renewal levy for Miami Township Fire-Rescue operations.

  • Issues with jail expansion

    On Thursday, March 5, members of Greene County Citizens Against the Giant Jail Tax held a press conference in front of the county courthouse in Xenia.

  • Greene County Commissioners— Who’s in the primary

    Commissioners administer the county’s annual budget, which in 2020 is $55.5 million, appropriated to some 30 county offices and departments such as county and municipal courts, parks and trails and job and family services.

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