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Articles About fundraiser events

  • Whirlwind of a weekend

    Billed as the “all-schools musical,” “Scrooge!” lived up to its descriptor, featuring students — and teachers — from the entire Yellow Springs school district. It was one of numerous events that played to full audiences the weekend of Dec. 13–15. Pictured above are Julia Hoff as Mrs. Carstairs and Joseph Minde-Berman as Fezziwig. (Photo by Kathleen Galarza)

    The weekend of Dec. 13–15 was particularly laden with events.

  • An artful jumble of surprises awaits

    A hand-crafted sake set is one of the many items on display — and for sale — at the annual Holiday Art Jumble, presented by the Yellow Springs Arts Council at the group’s gallery through Dec. 31. The Jumble serves as the Arts Council’s final show of the calendar year as well as its biggest fundraiser. (Submitted photo)

    Introduced in 2012, the Holiday Art Jumble serves as both the Arts Council’s final show of the calendar year and its largest fundraiser.

  • Lap dogs

    Three tiny dogs who clearly enjoyed each other’s company as much as their dip in Labor Day's Gaunt Park Pool Doggie Splash fundraiser. (Photo by Aaron Zaremsky)

    Nearly 40 canines and their human companions, along with one miniature horse, took part in the first Doggie Splash on Labor Day at the Gaunt Park pool.

  • Silent auction to benefit potter Bruce Grimes

    Local potter Lisa Goldberg is organizing a silent auction and fundraiser for her close friend and colleague, Bruce Grimes. It will take place at the Yellow Springs Brewery on Tuesday, June 13, from 5:30 to 8:30 p.m. (Submitted photo)

    Villagers can help local potter Bruce Grimes rebuild after a devastating studio fire. There will be a silent auction and fundraiser at the YS Brewery this Tuesday, June 13, 5:30 to 8:30 p.m.

  • In harmony

    From left, Lori Askeland, Amy Magnus and Jennifer Gilchrist, performing as Fire Horse Trio, harmonized to a packed house at WinterSong Encore at First Presbyterian last Saturday. Emceed by “Elder Felder” Jim Felder, who also thrilled audiences with several songs, the event featured more than 20 local musicians and singers, and included a stirring version of Leonard Cohen’s “Hallelujah” sung by David Walker, with Brian Walker on keyboard and Jeanna GunderKline on backup vocals. (Photo by Audrey Hackett)

    WinterSong Encore played to full house at First Presbyterian last Saturday, Dec. 3.

  • Wheel good time

    More than 30 riders took off under blue skies and a hot sun last Sunday for the Antioch School’s annual “Anything on Wheels” fundraiser. Riders — including Antioch school student Lucy Dennis (on unicyle), Older Group teacher Sally Dennis and students Elijah Moon and Ayla Current — pedaled down the Little Miami Scenic Trail for all or part of a 15-mile round-trip route to the northern edge of Xenia. (Photo by Audrey Hackett)

    More than 30 riders took off under blue skies and a hot sun last Sunday for the Antioch School’s annual “Anything on Wheels” fundraiser.

  • Goal of concerts is to restore Antioch College grand piano

    Pianist Sam Reich stands in front of the Antioch College’s Foundry ­Theater, which houses the college’s Steinway concert grand piano. Reich hopes to fund the restoration of the piano to peak form through the proceeds of the Yellow Springs Piano Fest, a series of performances he envisons over the next year. Reich will kick off the series with a performance of J.S. Bach’s Goldberg Variations, Sunday, July 24, at 7 p.m. at the Herndon Gallery. (Photo by Carol Simmons)

    Locally based pianist Sam Reich had an idea, and now he’s seeing where it leads. The idea: Raise enough money to rehabilitate the grand piano at Antioch College’s Foundry Theater.

  • Water is the focus of Xylem giving

    YSI/Xylem employees in Yellow Springs recently did a “Walk for Water” from the YSI campus to the Little Art Theatre to raise funds for Xylem’s global water philanthropy. From left, local YSI/Xylem employee Anita Brown, employee Tim Benson (in costume) and Colin Sabol, president of Xylem Analytics and Treatment. (Photo by Audrey Hackett)

    Money from the Xylem “Walk for Water” fundraiser will help fund the work of Xylem Watermark, a corporate citizenship and social investment program.

  • Antioch School fundraiser— Comedy gala returns

    Nationally touring comedian Suzanne Westenhoefer will be performing at the Antioch School’s annual auction gala and comedy show Saturday, Mar. 5, at the Foundry Theater. (Submitted photo © Ellie Perez)c

    In its 20th year — and its fifth including a comedy show segment — the 2016 Antioch School Auction Gala & Comedy Show will be Saturday, March 5, at the college’s Foundry Theater.

  • Special Olympics torch passes though Yellow Springs

    Captain Steve Lane of the Xenia Police Department ran the "Flame of Hope" through downtown Yellow Springs Thursday, as part of the long-standing Law Enforcement Torch Run fundraiser for the Ohio Special Olympics. (Photo by Matt Minde)

    The Special Olympics’ “Flame of Hope” was carried through Yellow Springs Thursday, June 25

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