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Articles About journalism

  • YS News secures new printer; publication day now Friday

    The News is happy to announce that our new printers — Eagle Print in Delphos, Ohio — have worked with us to retain our large-format newspaper size, for now.

  • Jonas Bahn: 2021 Recipient of the Lauren Heaton Scholarship

    The Yellow Springs News congratulates Jonas Bahn as the first recipient of the Lauren Heaton Scholarship for Aspiring Journalists.

  • From VYS to the NYT

    Yellow Springs native Monica Drake, a New York Times journalist, was recently promoted to assistant managing editor, a position that appears on the venerable paper’s masthead. She will oversee new digital features and products for the paper. She traces her love of writing to her childhood in Yellow Springs. (Submitted photo)

    In early December, the New York Times elevated Yellow Springs native Monica Drake to its masthead as an assistant managing editor who will oversee the paper’s new digital features and projects.

  • BLOG- Making Moves

    The sunset view from my beautifully wooded and greatly admired (by me) backyard.

    Jessica Sees, an Ohio University student interning at the News, shares her reflections on adjusting to her new home and life as a resident of Yellow Springs in her blog, Making Moves.

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