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Articles About literature :: Page 4

  • Connie Collett to retire— A chapter comes to a close

    After more than 30 years as head librarian at the Yellow Springs branch of the Greene County Public Library, Connie Collett is retiring from the position.

  • New mystery novel set in the village

    Geisel’s new novel “Fair Game,” available at local bookstore Dark Star Books, follows private investigator Flint’s quest to solve a mysterious, and fictional, years-old missing persons case.

  • ‘A Small Thing to Want’— Cawood explores desire, regret

    ‘A Small Thing to Want,’ a collection of short stories by author and YS native Shuly Xóchitl Cawood, was published in May.

  • New works from a local writer

    This summer, Barbara Fleming released not just one, but two titles: the fourth book in her Matthew Alexander detective series, and a play that grew out of that fourth book and relates closely to its plot.

  • New book: ‘Home Is the Prime Meridian’

    Local almanac writer Bill Felker, pictured here with a bound version of his daybook, recently published a collection of essays, "Home Is the Prime Meridian." (Photo by Audrey Hackett)

    Local almanac writer Bill Felker recently published a new book, “Home in the Prime Meridian,” collecting 40 lyric essays from his newspaper and radio pieces.

  • Library to provide space for NaNoWriMo

    Beginning next Tuesday, Nov. 1, the local library will provide quiet space on Tuesday nights, Nov. 1–29, for National Novel Writing Month participants.

  • Poetry readings continue at YSAC Gallery

    Enthusiasts of the written word gathered again last night for an evening of poetry as Clark State professors and poets Chris Bay and Rachel Peterson read their work at the YSAC Gallery.

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