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Articles About skate park

  • Changes set for basketball courts

    The basketball courts behind the John Bryan Center are being converted to parking, according to a new plan from the Village. But those who played there won’t have to dribble far to find a new hoop.

  • Villagers collaborate on public space

    Charles Keller demonstrated some moves on the mini ramp on Sunday, during the clean-up day at the Village skate park. Organizers from the Village Public Arts Commission have recently partnered with skate park users to commit both community funds and Village government earmarks to fully renovate the skate park. (Photo by Lauren Heaton)

    A cruise around the village skate park is what local youth Charles Keller and Justin Nash might call their daily constitutional. Keller, a STEM School student, is usually there by 4:30 p.m. — earlier in the summer — using the mini ramp to practice rock to fakey and tail stalls, while Nash, who attends Mills Lawn, comes out to master the basics of dropping in and pumping on the half pipe.

  • Village Council eyes changes to skatepark

    The first step toward upgrading the Yellow Springs skatepark is to bring together the various stakeholders of the park, including skaters, neighbors and neighboring businesses, according to Village Manager Mark Cundiff at the Aug. 16 Village Council meeting.

  • Rock and Roll

    The fourth annual Skate Music Fest was a big success this Sunday evening at the skate park.

  • Careful, now…

    Roy Woods of Bellefountaine

    Roy Woods of Bellefontaine was fully geared-up and having a good time, along with local young people at the Yellow Springs skate park.

  • 2010 projects may include zoning update

    A zoning code update. Safety improvements and upgrades for the skate park. Energy improvements for Village buildings.

  • Board, not bored

    These News photos are available Copies of this and other photographs may be purchased from the News; please contact us via e-mail at, or by phone, between 9:30 a.m. and 5:30 p.m., Mon.–Fri.

  • Grinding rails, tunes at park benefit

    Once viewed as a subculture of miscreants and thugs, skateboarding has come a long way. The proliferation of elaborately designed and well-used public skate parks, indoor and outdoor, nationally and internationally, has redeemed the skateboarder’s reputation and the sport overall.

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