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Articles About Wheeling Gaunt

  • It’s giving Gaunt

    This week marked the 130th year of carrying out a much-celebrated Yellow Springs tradition: the annual distribution of flour and sugar to the village’s widows and widowers.

  • The giving Gaunt

    Earlier this week, Village crews did a little sharing of their own and carried out the tradition of delivering flour and sugar to Yellow Springs widows and widowers.

  • Annual flour, sugar delivery announced

    The Village of Yellow Springs Public Works Department crew will begin its annual delivery of flour and sugar to local widows and widowers on Monday, Nov. 20, and should complete deliveries by Wednesday, Nov. 22.

  • Wheeling Gaunt Day set for Oct. 7

    Wheeling Gaunt Day 2023 will be celebrated Saturday, Oct. 7, beginning at 10 a.m., at the Wheeling Gaunt sculpture plaza, adjacent to the train station at the intersections of Dayton Street and Xenia Avenue.

  • Wheeling Gaunt receives honorary degree from Wilberforce University

    Yellow Springs philanthropist and businessman Wheeling Gaunt was awarded an honorary degree posthumously by Wilberforce University at the college’s commencement on Saturday, May 6.

  • Flour power

    On Tuesday, Nov. 23, Village of Yellow Springs foreman Tanner Bussey dropped off a bag of flour and sugar to Susan Gartner as part of the Village’s annual distribution of the baking staples to local widows and widowers.

  • Wheeling Gaunt sculpture unveiled in downtown Yellow Springs

    Standing over six-feet tall and glinting with a deep bronze exterior, a lifesize statue of 19th-century Yellow Springs resident, philanthropist and formerly enslaved man Wheeling Gaunt, was unveiled on Saturday, Oct. 2, to joyous celebration and fanfare.

  • Site design unveiled— Gaunt sculpture park eyed

    After three years, the Wheeling Gaunt sculpture is nearing completion. Anticipating a September unveiling, Village Council heard about plans for the sculpture’s placement in a downtown park at its June 21 regular meeting.

  • Annual Gaunt event honors foundation, author

    The third annual Wheeling Gaunt Community Service Award presentation event, sponsored by the Wheeling Gaunt Sculpture Project Committee and the YS Arts Council, was held virtually on Tuesday, Feb. 23.

  • The Briar Patch— Mortgaging humanity: Property values and the life of Wheeling Gaunt

    There is clear distinction between Gaunt’s humanitarian-based business structure, and the economic system of slavery upon which our mortgage system is based. Bundling enslaved people — captives — into securities had benefits for the slave owner.

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