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Music Section :: Page 25

  • Kids’ music pioneer performs at MLS

    Behind all of today’s fun and inspiring music for youth, is one African-American woman who set out with a conga drum in the cafés of Chicago in the 1950s and humbly started a wave of change that, six decades later, she and others are still riding.

  • Wheels debuts homegrown sound

    From left, local teens Sam Crawford, Rory Papania, Jamie Scott and Sam Salazar are Wheels, a homegrown band celebrating its first CD. Wheels will perform at a release party for “Fields of Fire” on Sunday, May 29, at 8 p.m. at the Canal Street Tavern in Dayton. (Submitted Photo by Savanah Amos)

    One may not believe that this group of teenagers, Wheels, have played their instruments for just a few years. Now the quintessential homegrown four-piece band has a full-length album to its name.

  • VIDEO: Wheels performs “Sit Down” from their debut album

    Local band Wheels performs the song “Sit Down” from their debut album Fields on Fire.

  • World-class musicians play at FMC benefit

    Friends Music Camp staff and campers will present a benefit concert for the camp’s scholarship fund on Wednesday, Dec. 29, at 7:30 p.m. at the Friends Care Community.

  • A little brass in your stocking

    The Yellow Springs Brass! performed their tenth annual Christmas Carol benefit last Saturday afternoon outside the Underdog Cafe. The street concert was to raise money for the Yellow Springs Emergency Welfare Fund. Click here to listen to “Hark the Herald Angels Sing”

  • Dave Greer band and guest pay tribute to Beiderbecke

    Dave Greer’s Classic Jazz Stompers will perform with Chicago cornetist Andy Schumm at Gilly’s in downtown Dayton on Friday night, Nov. 12, beginning at 8:30 p.m.

  • Mandolins to play Garcia piece

    In the early 20th century, mandolin orchestras sprung up in Dayton and elsewhere, playing rags, marches, light classical and waltzes with the energetic ting of the uniquely American flatback mandolin. Today the mandolin craze is back, including in Yellow Springs, now home for the six-year-old Dayton Mandolin Orchestra.

  • Red Priest pays visit to Mills Lawn School

    The rollicking baroque ensemble Red Priest gave a commanding performance at Mills Lawn School Monday morning. (Photo by Matt Minde; camera courtesy of Ms. Deborah Mabra)

    Mills Lawn School students got an ear- and eyeful of baroque music madness when the world-class ensemble Red Priest performed.

  • A change of key for the chorus

    Over the past 31 years, the name Ruth Bent has become synonymous with the Yellow Springs Community Chorus. And it was no small concern for Bent, when her eyesight began to fail, that the chorus continue with a strong and dedicated leader.

  • New creative cycle for musician

    With a couple of old projects winding up and several new ones budding, local musician Carl Schumacher says he finds himself at the beginning of a “new creative cycle.” Interest is building in his recently-formed band New Schu, a “new configuration” of the previous Carl Schumacher Band.

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