Arts Section :: Page 101
YSHSTAA’s Curtain Warmer— Keeping theater alive for the kids
Performing in theater helps students feel a part of a team, learn to memorize lines and organize information, respect deadlines, develop empathy and build self esteem. And above all, it’s fun.
Auditions for ‘Our Town’ on Saturday
A group of local theater lovers, the Center Stage Community Theater, is holding auditions on April 14 for a summer production of Thornton Wilder’s “Our Town.”
Council hears art policy concerns
At the April 2 Village Council meeting, Council members heard from artists in the community regarding Council’s plan to develop a new policy on art in Village-owned public spaces.
The trout beckons, in key of A
A film documenting the rehearsal and performance of Schubert’s Trout quintet before Queen Elizabeth in 1969 by five soon-to-be world class musicians, will be screened at the Little Art Theatre as part of a fundraiser for the local Chamber Music Yellow Springs. The Winds Cafe will host a trout dinner following the film.
‘Grease’ grabs YSHS hearts
When Grease was announced as this year’s spring musical over the loudspeaker at Yellow Springs High School, students screamed.
A swinging spring musical at YSHS — Grease opens Friday
Yellow Springs High School students are eager to play their rebellious teenage counterparts at the fictitious Rydell High School in this year’s spring musical, Grease.
Harlem Quartet in residency here
Yellow Springs is hosting the Harlem String Quartet in a mini-residency from Thursday through Monday, organized by Chamber Music Yellow Springs.
Harlem Quartet plays this weekend
This weekend the Harlem Quartet of New York City plays twice in Yellow Springs. On Saturday, March 17 at 7:30 p.m. the group plays at the Herndon Gallery on the Antioch campus, and on Sunday it plays at 7:30 at the First Presbyterian Church as part of the Chamber Music Yellow Springs series.
The Harlem Quartet to perform at MLS Monday
The Harlem Quartet will perform at an all-school assembly Monday at 10 a.m.
Muse concert this Saturday— Singing out for women and world
The story of the Cincinnati vocal ensemble Muse begins 29 years ago, when doctoral student Catherine Roma combined her interests in choral conducting, peace and justice and feminism by starting a women’s choir to emphasize the female voice, empower women and promote social change.
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