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Arts Section :: Page 103

  • CMYS to host guitar quartet

    The Minneapolis Guitar Quartet will perform on Sunday, Feb. 5, at 7:30 p.m. at the First Presbyterian Church as the third concert of the Chamber Music Yellow Springs season.

  • The revelation of being a painter

    Patricia Cole of Bloomington, Ind., will be artist-in-residence at Antioch College until mid-February. She will give a talk on her work at the college’s Herndon Gallery this Sunday, Jan. 22, at 3 p.m. Her paintings will be on exhibit at the Glen House gallery beginning the end of January. (Photo submitted by Dennie Eagleson)

    From January until mid-February, painter Patricia Cole will be artist-in-residence at Antioch College.

  • College welcomes artist-in-residence

    Painter Patricia Cole of Bloomington, Ind., will be the artist-in-residence at Antioch College until mid-February. Cole will give a talk on her work this Sunday, Jan. 22, at 3 p.m. in the Herndon Gallery.

  • Ashes to ashes, dust to diamonds

    Rita Caz recently set an unusual diamond ring for customer Vernon Dunlap. The diamond itself was created from the cremated remains of his wife, Roberta, using a process that distills and concentrates the carbon in human ashes under high heat and pressure. (Photo by Megan Bachman)

    Local jewelry store Rita Caz has long helped customers honor deceased friends and relatives. But a recent request by a former Springfield man who now lives in Arizona to set a diamond ring made from his wife’s ashes was a first.

  • Miyazaki photo exhibit— True faces of Wisconsin protesters

    A Wisconsin statehouse protester photographed by Kevin Miyazaki, whose portaits of others who opposed the state’s budget repair bill in early 2011 will appear in a show opening at the Emporium this Saturday, Jan. 7, at 6 p.m.

    Kevin Miyazaki, a photojournalist by trade, decided to record a more accurate picture of the Wisconsin statehouse protesters by setting up a portrait studio on the sidewalk and photographing the people who had come to voice their concerns.

  • Mayer to leave WYSO

    Longtime WYSO Public Radio Director of Business Operations and Development Jacki Mayer has accepted another job and will soon be leaving the station. WYSO has begun advertising for two new positions: director of development and director of finance and accounting.

  • Banner festival coming soon!

    Banners from the 2011 Bannerfest

    The almost annual banner festival will take place this winter, beginning in mid-February, when original banners will be hung up downtown. An organizational meeting will take place tonight, Jan. 9, at 7 p.m. at the Senior Center.

  • Sixth annual GHA members art show coming

    Glen Helen Association members are invited to include their work in the sixth annual members show, which will run Jan. 7-Feb. 28.

  • Emporium to feature protester portraits

    Miyazaki’s photos portray the men and women who fought for worker’s rights in Wisconsin this year.

  • A Saint for the season

    The Yellow Springs Community Chorus and Chamber Orchestra presented a grand holiday musical spectacle with the performance of Benjamin Britten’s “St. Nicolas,” featuring tenor Vincent Davis, at the First Presbyterian Church Sunday, Dec. 18. Overlooking the ensemble from the choir loft was the trio singing the part of the “pickled boys” — three children said to have been brought back to life by the saint — from left, David Walker, Eliza Minde-Berman and Danny Grote; organist Susanne Grote is at right. (Photo by Matt Minde)

    The Yellow Springs Community Chorus and Chamber Orchestra presented a grand holiday musical spectacle with the performance of Benjamin Britten’s “St. Nicolas.”

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