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Arts Section :: Page 111

  • Correction — Mexican artists opening reception

    The opening reception for Mexican artists Macario Carrillo and Francisco Loza will be Thursday, June 23, from 6–8 p.m. at the Glen House, 1221 Glen Road.

  • Musical event lifts a town and college

    Demons (from left, Amelia Tarpey, Ali Thomas and Jill Becker danced in Hades during Sunday’s performance of Orfeo ed Euridice, which was organized by conductor James Johnston in honor of the rebirth of Antioch College. (Photo by Aaron Zaremsky)

    To have loved and lost is better than the usual alternative, but not quite as good as to have loved, lost and then regained love again — at least according to both 18th century composer Willibald Gluck and the leaders of Antioch College.

  • Sticky, off-the-wall art on a wall

    Several local arts supporters got in the spirit last Sunday at Chew 4 Art, which launched the Traveling Gum Wall, a collaboration of the Yellow Springs Arts Council and the JafaGirls. The public is invited to help decorate the gum wall this Saturday during the Street Fair at the Arts Council booth in the Art Park at 100 Corry Street, which is a fund-raiser for the arts group. Shown above are, at left, JafaGirls Corrine Bayraktaroglu and Nancy Mellon and at right, Arts Council coordinator Carole Braun, Tom Osborne and award-winning bubble-blower Lori Tuttle. (Photo by Diane Chiddister)

    You can call it art to chew on, or art that’s already been chewed. Whatever you call it, the Traveling Gum Wall is the most recent offbeat community art project by the village’s own Jafagirls, in collaboration with the Yellow Springs Arts Council.

  • WYSO wins big at Ohio AP awards

    Earlier this month, it was announced that WYSO Public Radio news reporters had won seven awards from the Ohio Associated Press for reporting in 2010.

  • Local pottery features new work

    Miami Valley Pottery completed the most recent firing of functional ceramic pots in the pottery’s large wood kiln last week.

  • New gallery shows eclectic art

    Gayle Sultzbach (left) and Christine Klinger opened Springs Gallery in Kings Yard this spring, featuring art by local and regional artists, as well as some of their own work. (Photo by Sehvilla Mann)

    Art aficionados can be expected to embrace a new gallery in the downtown. But the owners of the new Springs Gallery say they also welcome those who know they like art but feel lost when it comes to buying it.

  • Kids’ music pioneer performs at MLS

    Behind all of today’s fun and inspiring music for youth, is one African-American woman who set out with a conga drum in the cafés of Chicago in the 1950s and humbly started a wave of change that, six decades later, she and others are still riding.

  • Wheels debuts homegrown sound

    From left, local teens Sam Crawford, Rory Papania, Jamie Scott and Sam Salazar are Wheels, a homegrown band celebrating its first CD. Wheels will perform at a release party for “Fields of Fire” on Sunday, May 29, at 8 p.m. at the Canal Street Tavern in Dayton. (Submitted Photo by Savanah Amos)

    One may not believe that this group of teenagers, Wheels, have played their instruments for just a few years. Now the quintessential homegrown four-piece band has a full-length album to its name.

  • Documentary, new series at WYSO this week

    A new radio documentary on President Obama’s Irish forebears, some of whom moved to the Miami Valley, will be aired on WYSO on Sunday, May 29 at 6 p.m. A new series on changes at Wright Patterson Air Force Base will be aired the week of May 30 on Morning Edition.

  • Graffiti in the school yard, with praise

    In an creatively anti-vandalizing way, a group of Mills Lawn students took their spray cans and paint brushes to the school yard this month to repurpose the soccer wall into a work of graffiti art.

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