Performing Arts Section :: Page 25
See the magic of ‘Mary Poppins’
The Antioch School older group presents Mary Poppins and all its magic this weekend at the Clifton Opera House.
YSHSTAA’s Curtain Warmer— Keeping theater alive for the kids
Performing in theater helps students feel a part of a team, learn to memorize lines and organize information, respect deadlines, develop empathy and build self esteem. And above all, it’s fun.
Auditions for ‘Our Town’ on Saturday
A group of local theater lovers, the Center Stage Community Theater, is holding auditions on April 14 for a summer production of Thornton Wilder’s “Our Town.”
‘Grease’ grabs YSHS hearts
When Grease was announced as this year’s spring musical over the loudspeaker at Yellow Springs High School, students screamed.
A swinging spring musical at YSHS — Grease opens Friday
Yellow Springs High School students are eager to play their rebellious teenage counterparts at the fictitious Rydell High School in this year’s spring musical, Grease.
Artist Linda Stein at Antioch College — Sparking new thinking on gender
sculptor and performance artist Linda Stein comes to Antioch College on Wednesday, Feb. 22, at 8 speak on “Salander/Blomkvist: Challenging stereotypes in The Girl with the Dragon Tattoo — and beyond.” The talk will take place in McGregor Hall Room 113 on the college campus.
Show goes on for One-Acts
It’s a Friday night in Yellow Springs and a group of high school kids are looking for things to do. The typical, albeit caricatured, teenage banter is captured in a one-act play written by YSHS students Rory Papania and Lois Miller and will be performed at this year’s annual staging of student-written, student-directed pieces.
Comedian Julia Sweeney to visit the village
Local comedy fans will be happy to note that Julia Sweeney, actor, comedian, author and former Saturday Night Live cast member, will help celebrate the Antioch School’s 90th anniversary.
Dallas directs UD play— A collaborative process of discovery
When actor, playwright and director Tony Dallas reads a play that he likes very much, the play resonates and stays with him for weeks or months afterward. That’s what happened when he read Eleemosynary, a 1985 work by Lee Blessing.
Dallas to direct UD play
Villager Tony Dallas is directing Eleemosynary at the University of Dayton’s Boll Theater this weekend and next. The play features local actor Marcia Nowik in a leading role.
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