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Performing Arts Section :: Page 23

  • Mardi Gras FUNdraiser set for YSKP

    Yellow Springs Kids Playhouse will present a Mardi Gras fundraiser gala on Saturday, Jan. 9, at the Glen Helen building.

  • Medieval plays tap a new root

    A small group of local residents will present a new winter solstice play “Return to the Garden: A Ceremony for the New Time” on Saturday, Dec. 22, at 7 p.m. in Westminster Hall at the Presbyterian Church. The players gathered in front of Rockford Chapel where they have been rehearsing, including, from right, back row: Caryn Diamond, Abby Cobb, Jenny Johnson, Saul Kola, Jennifer Johnson, Anna McClure, Rob Kola; front row: Camíla Dallas-González, Arielle Johnson, Eve Diamond, Phillip Diamond, Autumn Kola, Jacob McClure and Tomé Rios. (Photo by lauren Heaton)

    “Return to the Garden: A Ceremony for the New Time” will be presented Saturday, Dec. 22, the evening of the solstice, at 7 p.m. in Westminster Hall at the First Presbyterian Church.

  • Ohio premiere of ‘Sparkle’

    To be a dancer with an African-American dance company in the Midwest is not your everyday occupation. To also be 49 and still performing with that company is astonishing. To have suffered a critical injury and attempt to come back at that age, with that company, is the gripping story of Dayton Contemporary Dance Company’s Sheri “Sparkle” Williams. A short film, “Sparkle,” by local filmmakers Julia Reichert and Steve Bognar, will have its Ohio premiere in Dayton this week.

  • Comedy, satire and the absurd in 10-min. bits

    Ann Boleyn, fleeting dreams, Russian gangsters, and a touch of Monty Python will be on stage this weekend at the First Presbyterian Church.

  • YS Kids Playhouse starts fall classes this week

    Youth and adults can learn to express themselves in all different ways this fall with Yellow Springs Kids Playhouse.

  • Clifton Gorge Music & Arts Festival— In with the old—and the new

    Organizers behind the new Clifton Gorge Music and Arts Festival are, from left, former mayor Steve McFarland, Clifton Council member and volunteer Skip Beehler and Clifton Mayor Alex Bieri. The festival takes place this weekend, Aug. 24–26. See event schedule on page 5. (Photo by Jeff Simons)

    Clifton is back on the map. The festival map, that is.

  • Blues Fest returns for 15th year

    The annual AACW Blues Fest will return this year, with events held around town. (photo by Aaron Zaremsky)

    AACW will host the 15th annual Blues and Jazz festival this weekend, Aug. 23-26. As always, the weekend will feature a spectacular line-up of musical acts and events.

  • Shakespeare’s ‘Merchant’ comes to Antioch amphitheatre

    The Merchant of Venice

    Dayton’s Free Shakespeare! presents “The Merchant of Venice” this weekend at the Antioch College Amphitheatre.

  • Cirque Carnival brings the bizarre to Dayton Street

    Clowns and families alike swarmed Dayton Street for face painting, henna tattoos, food, music, acrobatics, fire dance, hula hooping and more.

  • Local choir conductor golden at World Choir Games

    Cincinnati women’s choir Muse will perform at South Gym, Antioch College at 7 p.m. on Saturday, March 3. The concert is a fundraiser for the Yellow Springs Community Food Pantry. Muse’s founding director, local resident Catherine Roma, organized the concert in collaboration with Antioch College to promote international women’s month. (Submitted photo)

    Three choirs conducted by villager Cathy Roma swept gold at last week’s World Choir Games.

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