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Performing Arts Section :: Page 30

  • Expression through dance

    Jill Becker led a class on dance improvisation this Monday evening.

  • All You Need is Love

    Yellow Springers participated in Sufi dancing before the YSKP show this Saturday.

  • Puppets, Persian poetry, and change

    In its 16th year, YS Kids Playhouse continues to produce innovative youth theater for adults and children alike. Its latest musical, The Conference of Birds, explores themes of transformation and self-realization through a 12th-century desert fable.

  • Musicians band together for Skate Music Fest

    Skate Music Fest, an annual event that features live music and benefits the skate park, will be held Sunday, July 11, 3–8 p.m.

  • Liar’s contest winners serve up a bunch of ‘bull’

    At the second annual Big Bull Shake Liar’s Contest on July 4, contestants competed to see who could spin the biggest yarn.

  • YSKP show a dazzling desert display

    Cast members of the latest YSKP musical, "Conference of the Birds," practice with their puppet props during rehearsal last Thursday. (Photo by Megan Bachman)

    While the Yellow Springs Kids Playhouse summer musical, “Conference of the Birds” doesn’t open until Thursday, July 8, the News got a sneak peak during rehearsal last Thursday. Watch an audio slideshow, featuring the sounds and stagings of cast members, below, and see next week’s print edition of the Yellow Springs News for a full article on the latest production in YSKP’s 16th season of youth theater.

  • Summer Strings to host concert and musical bake sale

    Christina Brewer, age 14, and Shirely Mullins play the violin part of a Russian folk song during rehearsal on Tuesday.

    Shirley Mullins’ Summer Strings youth orchestra will play its 47th grand finale this Saturday night at 7 p.m. in Kings Yard. The young musicians, who are concluding a two-week camp, can also be heard playing all over the village on Saturday morning from 10 a.m. to 12 p.m. as part of a musical bake sale.

  • Mayer and friends play for Presbyterian Church

    Musicians shared their talents at “A Summer Spectacular,” concert held at the Presbyterian Church on Saturday. A variety of instruments were showcased, including natural horn, trombone, piano, English horn and euphonium, in addition to the vocal skills of a soprano. Listen below for concert excerpts.

  • New Yellow Springs Theatre Project seeks to tap local talent

    Village children have many opportunities to take part in live theater through YS Kids Playhouse and school productions, and older youth benefit from a vital theater program at YSHS/McKinney. But local adult actors and playwrights have lacked consistent opportunities to perform since the closing of Center Stage theater several years ago.

  • Antioch School enlivens a classic

    Anyone who has been alive for longer than five years has likely seen the 1939 film The Wizard of Oz. But far fewer have read The Wonderful Wizard of Oz, the novel published by Frank Baum in 1900, which the Antioch School students say is more complicated and slightly more vicious.

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