
Yellow Springs News Blogs Section :: Page 26

  • BLOG — Getting real with real estate, part 1

    “The players in the game are the buyer, the seller, the buyer’s agent, the seller’s agent; you have the title company and the mortgage company, and you have all of those people working together and trying to sell a house. And you have me there as a transaction coordinator.”

  • BLOG— Down the rabbit hole

    My legs were pumping at a rate that suggested the Rabbit’s “I’m late, I’m late!” more than the dreamy, psychedelically mellowed Caterpillar. Every time I noticed how fast I was going, I slowed down. That’s all you can really do: notice, and let your grip go.

  • BLOG — On travel, growing up, and Current Cuisine

    “A lot of my favorites are still on the menu, so it transports me back to my yesteryears. It gives me a warm feeling that this is home, and I like that. I know at some point [being in a small town] will catch up to me because I love big city living, but right now it’s perfect for me. There’s a lot of great harmonics and healing here.”

  • BLOG— Do I repeat myself?

    More reliably than memory, writing holds the trace of who you were and are. Often this is talked about in terms of measuring the distance between the two.

  • BLOG-On the Mic

    It’s hard—separating source from feedback—but it’s work worth doing.

  • BLOG — The Citizen Kane of White Rabbit Red Rabbit

    “I felt like I was waiting for each scene to prove to me the movie’s unparalleled greatness…The play blends the voice of the author, the actor, and the play’s character into an odd reflection on authority.”

  • BLOG— Scenes from an interview

    She paused. I paused. Ross seemed to read my mind, or my raised eyebrows. “Yup, raw fish in the blender.” It was an ordinary kitchen blender, I saw later. Perfect for fish frappes!

  • BLOG-Sweet Embellishments

    We indulge in Summer’s last splashing pleasures.

  • BLOG— Refusing to bend

    Suppleness, or its lack, is on my mind, and not just because the world is experiencing its annual arteriosclerosis. Change, any change, triggers in me a sort of panic.

  • BLOG— YS BBQ up close and personal

    “I was raised around barbeque. My father barbequed all the time. He gravitated towards food – he was a gourmet cook and he taught himself a lot of his skills. I grew up crawling underneath the seats in a restaurant that served barbeque.”

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