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The Moment After Section

  • BLOG— Our paper

    Small town, big win The Yellow Springs News won the top prize, Newspaper of the Year, in its size category for the eighth year in a row at last week’s Ohio News Media Association conference in Columbus. See an article on the win on page 7. Shown above is the News staff: front row from left, Advertising Director Robert Hasek, Eternity the news­hound, Village Desk Editor Lauren “Chuck” Shows and Reporter Megan Bachman. In back from left, Designer Suzanne Szempruch, Reporter Carol Simmons, Editor Diane Chiddister, Reporter Audrey Hackett and Designer Matt Minde. (Photo by the self-timer)

    Almost 20 years later, I landed another job at another community paper. This one was in Yellow Springs, Ohio — perhaps you’ve heard of it — and the paper was well over 100 years old, with Quaker roots.

  • BLOG— New light that is also old light

    Maki Haku, Poem 68-44. (Via Wikiart)

    The moon this morning is a golden horn. To the south and west, the planets are shining — Jupiter, Venus. Yesterday at the same morning hour the moon was a creamy horn, caught, like an animal in a thicket, in a mesh of trees.

  • BLOG— The rule of love

    Marc Chagall, "Over the Town," 1918. (Via

    When I was six — and eight, and 10, but never again after then — I made valentines for everybody in my class. Everybody did. The rule was that you liked everybody, even those you suspected you didn’t like.

  • BLOG— Happy Hanukwanzamas!

    El Santuario de Chimayo, New Mexico. (Photo by Grant Hackett)

    Years ago I had a friend, culturally but not religiously Jewish, who devised a third greeting: “Happy Hanukwanzamas!” I was there the day he worked it out on a piece of paper, fitting the three words together.

  • BLOG— A fresh field

    Our first winter in Yellow Springs (Photo by Grant Hackett)

    In memory, snow fell all winter those first two years. Our backyard became a closet stuffed with bridal gowns, frothy white forms smothering every bush and tree. I loved the stacked inches atop the clean curves of honeysuckle, and the transformed hemlock, a dark Pegasus spreading white wings.

  • BLOG— Raven, a reflection

    Detail from "Crow and blossom," Ohara Koson, woodblock print, circa 1910. (Via

    Raven didn’t speak much about being sick. Instead, she brought my husband, a new friend, into her home studio. Brought out her pulps, her deckles, her tubs of finished papers — some textured, some translucent, some delicately veined like the inside of a wrist.

  • BLOG— A dozen Halloween nights

    James Abbott McNeill Whistler, "Nocturne: Black and Gold - The Fire Wheel," 1875. (Via the Tate, UK, licensed under Creative Commons)

    One of the pleasures of being an adult is recalling the pleasures of childhood. You might think that’s one of the bummers of being an adult — but remembering can be full of its own pleasure.

  • BLOG— ‘Somewhere outside, the horse’

    Franz Marc, "Horse in a landscape," 1910. (Via Wikiart)

    I try, often without success, to hold in mind two perspectives, the cosmic and the personal. From a cosmic stance, my little griefs and triumphs don’t exist. Don’t exist! I am, you are, dust.

  • BLOG— Black chimes, moving like branches

    Marc Chagall, "Musicians," 1979 (Via Wikiart)

    The jays wake up mouthy. The crows flap shouting out of sleep. Everyone has a voice. Especially the silent ones.

  • BLOG— This river life

    M.C. Escher, "Sky and Water I," 1938 (Via Wikiart)

    To be inside a fish’s October dream — there are worse fates!

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