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The Moment After Section :: Page 2

  • BLOG— One spot on the globe

    Andrew Wyeth, "Wind from the Sea," 1947. (Via Wikipedia)

    Home is home. When we return a person to the earth, we’re not just sealing them in our hearts, we’re committing them to a spot, one spot, on this great globe.

  • BLOG— The ‘dogginess’ of poetry

    Skyler, mulling another poem after a romp in the weeds.

    With dogs, touch is talking, and talking is touch. Our voice tone is received as hard or soft hands, and we ourselves begin to feel our words, their hardness and their softness, tangibly in our mouths.

  • BLOG— One Earth, one home

    A collaboration among Community Solutions, Tecumseh Land Trust and the Nature Conservancy was undertaken in 2017 to help restore — and "re-meander" — Jacoby Creek. (Photo via Community Solutions,

    Does it have to be said? There is only one way. Only one Earth, only one home. A blue-green marble spinning in space. A reclaimed farm, a re-meandered stream. A deeply grooved old cottonwood growing up from the middle of a marsh.

  • BLOG— Pleasure of simply looking

    Vincent van Gogh, "The Kingfisher," 1886. (Via Wikiart)

    We took the long way around Ellis Pond, stopping to observe a kingfisher pair. Big dark heads, a call like a rattle and wings that opened smartly as scissors. We looked for the Great Blue Heron, but didn’t see him — or her — solitary dweller in the stream and weeds.

  • BLOG— Spring, and the tiny shift

    Snow on St. Patrick's Day (Photo by Audrey Hackett)

    In any life, there are things that require healing. Often this healing happens in secret, the way winter turns into spring (and sometimes back again).

  • BLOG— World of upside down

    Upside down in the South Glen, February 2017. (Photo by Audrey Hackett)

    Paradoxically, imagination grounds us in the world. It takes us out of the world, and out of ourselves, only to locate us more deeply there, with greater awareness and greater capacity for awareness.

  • BLOG— An older, deeper story

    Elect a sycamore-queen! Sycamore in the South Glen, February 2017. (Photo by Audrey Hackett)

    Sycamore thoughts are exquisite, beginning in the mud and branching into higher math. And sycamore hearts beat with reverential slowness in their capacious woody chests, one beat per human lifetime.

  • BLOG— The shape of one life

    Each of us has one life. It flows into us at birth and out of us at death. Life keeps on flowing, of course, but the particularity and shape of our one life is gone.

  • BLOG— Infinite cathedral

    There’s no problem the wind and rain can’t solve, even the November wind and rain. The wind and rain can’t name the problem, can’t diagnose it, can’t prescribe, yet they can, shall we say, dissolve it.

  • BLOG— Get brave and speak

    Trembling in my car as I was ordered to leave the Speedway campus on the night after an upsetting, disorienting and momentous election, I realized: I am afraid, so afraid, to speak up, not just to the man in the fluorescent vest, but really to anyone who may not like what I have to say.

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