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Yarn Registry Section :: Page 3

  • BLOG – The history of Greene County is still interesting

    Greene County’s first Women’s Christian Temperance Union was formed in 1874 and reportedly closed down thirteen saloons in three weeks, and the first piano in Ohio, and “certainly the first west of the Alleghenies,” was made by a resident of Greene County.

  • BLOG – The History of Miami Township is Pretty Interesting

    Miami Township boasted 96 tax-paying citizens when it was founded in 1808, and slowly grew from there. Of course, humans being humans, Miami Township’s first murder was committed shortly thereafter, but the township also boasted a few noteworthy buildings.

  • Out of Something, Nothing: My Summer as a Professional Mover – the final installment

    That I complain a lot about my fairly trouble-free life notwithstanding, what did I ultimately learn from my summer as a mover? I’m not sure, but my thoughts on the default goodness or evil of human nature tilted in favor of the latter.

  • Out of Something, Nothing: My Summer as a Professional Mover, part 5

    A lot of the movers had become de facto experts on home furnishings. It was hilarious to hear curse-ridden debates about the merits of one brand of easy chair versus another. Tough dudes were constantly bragging that their houses were better furnished than yours.

  • Out of Something, Nothing: My Summer as a Professional Mover, part 4

    All of the houses full of garbage, the horror of the surprise addition of an industrial-sized refrigerator to the move, almost dislocating your shoulder carrying a wardrobe up narrow stairs – the emotional impact of everything that happens on the job is intensified by the presence of your coworkers.

  • Out of Something, Nothing: My Summer as a Professional Mover, part 3

    The most commonly weird thing I encountered as a mover was a gross house…and if movers are to be believed, seduction by homeowner is par for the course. Everyone I worked with had a story about this happening on the job.

  • Out of Something, Nothing: My Summer as a Professional Mover, part 2

    Sometimes the entire day requires moving only a few pieces of furniture and sometimes it’s a full packing-loading-driving-unpacking operation at someone’s huge mansion. My third day on the job lasted only three hours, and my longest day was at least sixteen. You wouldn’t know until you got there.

  • Blog: Out of Something, Nothing: My Summer as a Professional Mover, part 1

    Everything about the job was foreign to me, from the average coworker’s consistently mean-spirited behavior to the benign mechanics of how a moving service operates. I got tipped $100 on a single move, I saw dangerously unclean homes, and I’d never been physically threatened by a coworker before this job.

  • Blog – An important chat with a Sex Coach

    “I focus on getting clients to feel comfortable to talk about their sexuality.I think sexuality can be terrifying. It’s a very lonely, isolating experience to grapple with whatever concern you have, but when someone gains control over their sexuality, there is nothing more empowering. I have seen it.”

  • Obscure Author Quarterly – Fent Noland, author of the Pete Whetstone letters

    The following concerns the life of Charles Fenton “Fent” Mercer Noland, an Arkansas humor writer born in 1823, whose works are largely forgotten. His works are full of raucous humor, but they are also an important document of life in the Arkansas Territory and of the development of the American literary voice.

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