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Feature Photos Section :: Page 34

  • Neigh sayers

    “Yellow Friday,” Yellow Springs’ alternative to Black Friday, had a festive air thanks to sidewalk music, longer shop hours and free horse-drawn cart rides.

  • A feast with friends

    Michael Harrod, left, and John Fudge, right, were two of the many villagers, families and friends who took part in last Thursday’s Community Thanksgiving at the First Presbyterian Church. (Photos by Diane Chiddister)

    Many villagers, families and friends who took part in last Thursday’s Community Thanksgiving at the First Presbyterian Church.

  • The running of the ’dogs

    The start of the Bulldog 5k. (Photo by Audrey Hackett)

    The fourth annual Bulldog Jog took place the day after Thanksgiving, drawing 136 total participants for the 5K race, open to adults and kids, and the 1.1-mile race, open to kids 12 and under.

  • Art for the soul

    The booth of local artist Beth Holyoke. (submitted photos by Lisa Goldberg)

    Art and Soul 2016

  • Horseplay at school

    Pictured is horse Iggy with handler Jennifer Lawson, together with, from left, student Jonah Martindale, Antioch Farm Manager Kat Thomas and student Mia Bates. (Photos by Suzanne Szempruch)

    Three horses from the Riding Centre and one from Funderburg Farms visited Antioch College on Tuesday, spreading equine peace, love and happiness.

  • Fruit fly

    The Mullin family’s 13th annual Pumpkin Launch at Moonshadow Farm off of St. Rte. 370 launched another victim via a homemade trebuchet, Saturday, Nov 7. The aging squash’s scary scowl (carved by Eliza Minde-Berman) seemed to change to one of shock and surprise as it flew to its ultimate demise. (Submitted photo by Jennifer Berman)

    The Mullin family’s 13th annual Pumpkin Launch at Moonshadow Farm off of St. Rte. 370 launched another victim via a homemade trebuchet.

  • Raising the roof

    Pictured at the Home, Inc., Open House are, from left: Miller Fellow Monika Perry, AmeriCorps VISTA volunteer Cait Bothwell, Development Coordinator Brittany Parsons, homeowners Elizabeth and Matthew Schaade, homeowners Brandy and Patrick Hange with children Nico and Nolan, homeowner Erica Wyant with daughter Rudelle Mae, homeowner Julie McCowan, Miller Fellow Kyna Burke, Executive Director Emily Seibel and Program Manager Chris Hall. (Submitted Photo)

    Yellow Springs Home, Inc. recently celebrated the completion of the final two homes in its Cemetery Street project with an open house.

  • Moved by music

    A dance performance titled “How Music Moves Our Soul” Pictured at a recent rehearsal are, from left, Valerie Blackwell-Truitt, Sasha Mworinski, Elizabeth Lutz Warren and Myra Valez-Malishenko. The Fall Performance Arts Concert also features a range of local and regional dancers, musicians, poets and theater and visual artists in a wide-ranging celebration of area talent. (Submitted photo)

    A dance performance will be among the offerings of Bej Na Productions’ Fall Performance Arts Concert this Friday and Saturday, Nov. 4 and 5, at 7:30 p.m. at Antioch College Foundry Theater.

  • Mills Lawn March Madness

    Critters just kept streaming out of the maw of Mills Lawn School. Bringing up the rear, from left, are Miette Murphy, Eloise Murphy, and Anah Smith watch as wizard Liliana Herzog gestures wildly with her wand, hopefully not transforming co-marcher Alayna Hamilton at her right. (Photo by Matt Minde)

    Mills Lawn School’s annual Halloween Parade through downtown Monday brought out the beauty as well as the beast in everyone.

  • Roadside help

    Kimberly Horn with husband, Kriston, standing by the new Free Little Pantry on Walnut Street. (submitted photo)

    The Little Free Pantry, located at the Walnut Street side of the First Presbyterian Church.

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