From The Print Last Week Section :: Page 86
School board OKs negotiations with MPA
At its regular meeting on Thursday, June 16, the YS Board of Education unanimously approved moving forward on negotiations with a maintenance plan advisor, or MPA.
New fireworks law in effect
A new state law allows Ohioans to discharge consumer fireworks on specified holidays, unless their local political subdivision bans the use.
COVID Update | June 30, 2022
While the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention on approved COVID-19 vaccines for children as young as 6 months, on Saturday, June 18, local families have reported difficulty finding a provider offering vaccinations for children younger than 3 years of age.
Greene Canteen to close doors
If you’re a fan of The Greene Canteen’s healthy food options, now’s the time to make a trip downtown: The restaurant is closing Thursday, June 30.
Perry League T-ball | A village affair
Here in the Village of Yellow Springs, a unique marker has signified the arrival of summer to generations of children raised in the village: Perry League T-ball.
Down to Earth | ‘Keystone species’ vital
“Whereas native species are always better than non-native species in fueling food webs, not all native plants are equal. Keystone native species are superior because they support many more wildlife species.”
Facilities Committee wavers on MPA
An MPA would assess certain aspects of the school facilities’ needs and make recommendations to the Facilities Committee and the district on necessary long-term maintenance.
Street Fair to return this fall
After a two-year absence, Yellow Springs Street Fair is officially set to return this fall, on Saturday, Oct. 8.This will be the first Street Fair since fall 2019. The last five scheduled dates of the semiannual fair were canceled due to significant transmission rates of COVID-19 in the region and state.
Village to treat Ellis Pond for algae
After several attempts at environmentally friendly mitigation techniques, the Village plans to treat the pond with herbicide to kill the algae.
Perry League T-ball | All smiles on the diamond
It was a perfect and beautiful evening for opening day at T-ball. Those present, including approximately 60 players and an equal or greater number of spectators, enjoyed an hour and a half of chaos and fun.
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