
From The Print Section :: Page 182

  • Yellow Springer Tees is open

    The father-daughter team of Mark and Morgan Heise opened the doors to Yellow Springer Tees & Promotions on June 3. Three weeks and one Street Fair later, the business is doing better than ever as a brick-and-mortar shop. (Photo by Reilly Dixon)

    In downtown Yellow Springs, business is often a family affair. Yellow Springer Tees & Promotions, one of the village’s newest shops, makes no exception.

  • Village Council —  Expand voting to noncitizens?

    Local 16- and 17-year olds and noncitizen legal residents could vote in local elections as early as next year.

  • Village Council — Manager Bates bids farewell

    New Village Manager Josue Salmeron was sworn in at Council’s meeting on Monday, June 17. In an impromptu ceremony, outgoing manager Patti Bates went on to fasten Salmeron’s lapel with an official Village of Yellow Springs pin. (Photo by Megan Bachman)

    Patti Bates was honored at Council’s June 17 regular meeting before new manager Josue Salmeron was sworn in. Council members each thanked Bates for her service.

  • Jim & Mary Agna Memorial

    The family of Jim and Mary Agna invite the community to memorial service on Saturday, July 6, 2 p.m., at the UUF of Yellow Springs.

  • Heartbeat Learning Gardens — Eat local, heal local

    While harvest day at Heartbeat Learning Gardens always has an air of celebration, last week’s was “bittersweet,” in the words of longtime volunteer MJ Gentile.

  • Perry League — A vibrant gang of children

    Nora Carr runs merrily off the field in full T-ball regalia at Perry League on Friday, June 21. (Submitted photo)

    Fiona Garcia, 5, came to bat without her Perry League cap. “She doesn’t want to wear it,” Laura Byrnes said. “It musses her hair too much.” “I feel the same way,” I said, and noticed, as if for the first time, Fiona’s fabulous head of hair.

  • New arts courses offered at YSHS

    Students at McKinney Middle School and Yellow Springs High School will have some new elective course offerings available to them next year in the arts and communication fields.

  • Sigalia Cannon

    Sigalia Cannon

    Sigalia Cannon died June 12, three days before her 78th birthday.

  • Bugs life: EnviroFlight’s open house

    EnviroFlight CEO Liz Koutsos spoke to local residents and area officials at a tour of the company’s facility in Yellow Springs last Tuesday. About 40 local residents attended the event, which ended in a gathering at the nearby YS Brewery. (Photo by Audrey Hackett)

    EnviroFlight CEO Liz Koutsos spoke to local residents and area officials at a tour of the company’s facility in Yellow Springs last Tuesday.

  • Native son Sterling Wright — Home, history, basketball

    Sterling Wright, a former pro basketball player and International Olympic Committee master instructor, relaxed in Beatty Hughes Park on a recent afternoon. As a youth growing up in Yellow Springs, he spent time in the teen center formerly located at the park. (Photo by Audrey Hackett)

    Sterling Wright, 67, has spent much of his adult life away from his hometown. A professional basketball player who played briefly for the former ABA and the NBA, he was enticed away from the U.S. in 1975 to play the sport professionally in France.

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