
From The Print Section :: Page 225

  • Perusing pages

    Ember McDonald of Yellow Springs browsed through used books and CDs at the 38th annual YS Book Fair, held last weekend at Mills Lawn. (Photo by Carla Steiger)

    Ember McDonald of Yellow Springs at the 38th annual YS Book Fair.

  • Virginia Helen Sander Nowik Bentley

    At 97 years old, Virginia Helen Sander Nowik Bentley took everyone by surprise and left us on July 23, 2018.

  • Conrad Balliet

    Conrad Balliet, longtime villager and lover of poetry, died on Saturday, Aug. 18. He was 92. 

  • YS School Board— Engineers: Structures safe

    The east exterior wall of the three-story section of Yellow Springs High School needs some joist work but is structurally safe, according to a report by the structural engineer firm Shell & Meyer Associates Inc., of Oakwood. (submitted photo)

    The structural safety of the three-story section of Yellow Springs High School and the modular units of McKinney Middle School “do not pose an immediate structural concern.

  • Local artist Christine Klinger — ‘Expressing the beauty I see’

    Local artist Christine Klinger, who often takes her inspiration from nature, has two art exhibits showing in Yellow Springs.

  • Bringing global leadership lessons home

    The educator became the learner this summer when Yellow Springs Schools Superintendent Mario Basora spent about three weeks in Germany and the Czech Republic.

  • Unique bench honors beloved man

    A memorial bench for village resident Don Benning, who died last year, is in place in front of Tom’s Market, thanks to the efforts of lifelong family friend Shelly Blackman, left, who commissioned locally based artisan Bruce Parker, right, to create the bench that reflects Benning’s multiple interests. (photo by Carol Simmons)

    Nearly a year has gone by since the death last September of longtime villager Donald E. Benning at the age of 83.

  • Quarry opponents undaunted

    A “No quarry” sign stands on the Vanderglas family farm along Garrison Road in Mad River Township two miles north of Yellow Springs, near the first phase of a proposed limestone mine. (photo by Megan Bachman)

    A few miles north of Yellow Springs, where the fight over a proposed limestone quarry has been brewing for more than a year, Mike Verbillion recently surveyed the fields surrounding his property.

  • Council eyes infrastructure

    Fixing sidewalks. Studying electric and stormwater systems. Buying a camera to inspect underground pipes. Repairing a wall of John Bryan Community Pottery. Installing remote-read water meters.

  • Meister gets hearing

    On Friday, Aug. 3, the Village of Yellow Springs conducted a pre-disciplinary hearing with Police Cpl. David Meister.

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