
From The Print Section :: Page 563

  • Loan to retain, grow businesses

    At the Village Council meeting Monday, July 18, the leaders of local business e-Health Data Solutions got the answer they had been waiting for.

  • Schools hire two more teachers

    At its July 14 meeting, the Yellow Springs school district filled the final two teaching positions needed before school starts next month.

  • The poetry of Perry League

    It was steaming, the temperature in the mid-nineties, the humidity near 100 percent last Friday night, July 22. Six brave children showed up: Tommy Moore, 3, a stalwart, not missing a night this whole season. Tiger Van Ausdal, four-and-a-half, a good, strong, engaged, aware-and-sensitive-to-others kid who calls out every time before she throws the ball […]

  • A New Yorker cartoonist from YS

    Tom Bachtell’s cartoons were first seen on the T-shirts he designed for his Yellow Springs High School senior class.

  • Up to the wire for eHDS

    The deadline for a lease agreement between e-Health Data Solutions and Creative Memories was Wednesday, July 13.

  • New wells for Vernay clean up

    The two new capture wells that appeared at the Vernay Laboratories site on Dayton Street this summer are adding to the forces aimed at cleaning up the industrial contamination at the site.

  • Exotic plants take root on US 68

    When a group of plant enthusiasts took over the Village property on U.S. 68 North that was formerly the home of Stutzman’s Nursery, the weeds were so high that the property’s dozen greenhouses were barely visible above them.

  • Tree-trimming efforts begin soon

    At their July 5 meeting, members of Village Council heard a report from Electric Crew Head Kelley Fox on upcoming tree-trimming efforts in the village

  • Psychics see YS as healing center

    A Colorado couple — an astrologer and a clairvoyant — used tarot cards to confirm that the village was the right place to practice divination and healing.

  • ITT to buy YSI Incorporated

    The multinational company ITT Corporation and YSI Incorporated announced this week that they had come to an agreement for ITT to purchase the Yellow Springs company.

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