
From The Print Section :: Page 578

  • ‘Potterluck’ pushes fun, literacy

    Yellow Springs High School seniors R.C. Worrell, left, and Phillip Kellogg are holding a two-part Harry Potter-themed event this weekend as their senior project, hoping to both entertain their peers and to raise money for literacy. The event, at Yellow Springs High School, begins with a 6 p.m. potluck on Saturday, April 9, followed by a 9 p.m. lock-in. Proceeds from the potluck and lock-in, which each have a suggested $5 donation, will benefit Book Aid, a British literacy organization. (Photo by Kelsey Cundiff)

    The senior project requirements given to every senior at Yellow Springs High School state that each student’s project should “reflect a meaningful purpose that is either geared toward social action and community, self-education and growth, or education and facilitation.” This year’s group of seniors has taken those ideals to heart to produce a number of projects that could benefit the community.

  • Antioch College— Contemplating mindfulness

    Robert Pryor, Al Denman, Katie Egart, Dianea Wanicek, Amy Maruyama (by Megan Bachman)

    Stop. Close your eyes. Now envision an Antioch College where students are challenged to contemplate as well as analyze — to understand the outer world and reflect on the inner.

  • Local business up and down

    Though it is difficult to predict the future of the Yellow Springs economy, the subtle job loss and flat tax revenues to the Village over the past decade indicate that the Village budget will continue to be tight in the coming years.

  • Tornado alert not up to speed

    Spring is tornado season, and forecasters say the Ohio Valley may be in the path of more severe weather than usual. Villagers would do well to consider their safety plans before the tornado warning sirens sound.

  • Hooper memorial service

    A memorial service for Bill Hooper will be held Saturday, April 16, 10:30 a.m. in the Glen Helen Building.

  • AUM expands academic focus

    The academic options at Antioch University Midwest just got quite a bit wider with the recent revamping of two existing programs and the launching of several new ones at both the undergraduate and the graduate levels.

  • Tom Ayrsman

    Tom Ayrsman, former Antioch College professor of environmental science, died unexpectedly Sunday, April 3.

  • Solar project hangs on, but barely

    At its March 21 meeting Village Council came close to backing away from a proposed solar farm project, but agreed to try to gather information in upcoming weeks.

  • Council changes sidewalk policy

    At their March 21 meeting, members of Village Council gave the final approval to an ordinance that changes Village policy on sidewalk maintenance, shifting the responsibility for upkeep from property owners to the Village.

  • Antioch hires first faculty, gains on accreditation

    Antioch College announced this week that the college has hired its first three tenure-track faculty members. And last week, the revived college received notice that it successfully jumped the first hurdle on the road to gaining accreditation.

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