
From The Print Section :: Page 73

  • COVID Update | June 16, 2022

    Photo: CDC/Dr. Fred Murphy, Centers for Disease Control and Prevention's Public Health; public domain.

    Greene County, with a population of 168,937, reported an increase in its per 100,000 total, with 267.6 as of June 9, compared to 224.9 as of June 2.

  • Community Colloquy | ‘White privilege and everyday life‘

    At the next event on June 16, psychologists Judith Skillings and Frederick “Pete” Peterson will discuss what white privilege is and isn’t, and clarify what microaggressions mean.

  • District looks to hire student advocate

    The YS Board of Education held a special meeting Tuesday, May 31, in order to approve some time-sensitive actions, including the job description for a new student advocate to be hired for the district. The position as described was unanimously approved by the four board members who voted.

  • My Name Is Iden | Calling all rainbows

    My Name is Iden

    “This month will be my second time celebrating Pride as an out transgender person and this time I want to see more than just a momentary gathering of little rainbows.”

  • News from the Past: May & June 2022

    50 years ago, in 1972: Anti-Vietnam war protest blocks WPAFB gate. “Between 50 and 70 of the April 20 Wright Patterson AFB demonstrators are in Greene County jail.” [154 demonstrators were arrested, including two Air Force doctors.]

  • Haller to retire from YS schools after 30 years

    After three decades of work in the YS Schools, high school intervention specialist Donna Haller is retiring.

  • The Briar Patch | Seeing the Self Beyond Addiction

    “Through my own family experience, I know the throes of addiction can be a revolving door, a process that challenges even the saintliest of saint’s capacity to forgive.”

  • COVID Update | June 9, 2022

    Photo: CDC/Dr. Fred Murphy, Centers for Disease Control and Prevention's Public Health; public domain.

    The number of new cases in the state, tallied for May 27–June 2 was 17,530, compared to 19,546 for the week of May 20–26.

  • Artist Profile | Clean Gene and his record machine

    For over half a century, at a number of local venues, bars, dances and stations, longtime villager and renowned disc jockey Gene Lohman has filled the sonic spaces of Yellow Springs with his eccentric and eclectic record spinning.

  • Down to Earth | The free advice of birds

    “Since 1970, North America has lost three billion individual birds, nearly 30% of its total, suffering the heaviest losses among 12 bird families that include sparrows, warblers, finches and swallows.”

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