Miami Township Section :: Page 6
Miami Township — Ground breaking for new fire station begins
After months of delays, the official groundbreaking for the new fire station on the south side of town has been set for Sept. 18.
The issues with large-scale solar
An Australian company, Lendlease, has acquired close to 1,000 acres of long-term leases there as part of its Kingswood Solar Farm, a utility-scale solar array that could cover 1,200 acres and produce 175 megawatts of green electricity.
Fire, EMS calls on the rise
Crew members of Miami Township Fire-Rescue are responding to more emergency calls than ever before, according to statistics recently released by the department.
Miami Twp. meeting— Firehouse groundbreaking
Groundbreaking for the township’s long-awaited new firehouse, to be constructed on the south side of the village, is expected to take place in late August or early September, Miami Township Trustee Chairperson Chris Mucher said earlier this month.
Township Trustees— New approach for fire station bids
Miami Township officials last week began advertising for a “construction manager” to oversee and coordinate bidding by sub-contractors to build the anticipated new firehouse on the south side of town, township Trustee Chairperson Chris Mucher reported during the trustees most recent meeting Monday, April 1.
New delay for new firehouse
With a third round of construction bids again coming in too high, Miami Township Trustees will be returning to the drawing board for another attempt at reducing the projected costs of building a new firehouse on the south side of town.
A memorial to Civil War veterans — Local cannon restored, rededicated after 110 years
Exactly 110 years after its first dedication on Memorial Day 1908, a Civil War-era cannon was restored and rededicated by the Yellow Springs Odd Fellow Lodge this weekend.
Fire department a trustee priority
The anticipated new fire station and the continuing health of the local fire and rescue squad, which serves village as well as Miami Township residents, were leading concerns expressed during the Oct. 19 James A. McKee Association-sponsored candidates forum.
Glen hikers rescued after limb falls
Two female hikers were rescued from Glen Helen after a large tree limb fell on them while they were climbing up the stone steps out of the Glen.
2.4-mill levy for a new fire station
A new fire station may finally be in the works for Miami Township.
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