Government Section :: Page 98
2014 capital project budget— Village Council sets priorities
In a year of deficit spending, what capital projects are essential? At their April 7 meeting Village Council members considered that question, prioritizing capital needs for the Village. Council will vote on legislation for the 2014 capital budget at its April 21 meeting.
Villagers asked to conserve water
The Ohio EPA is asking villagers to voluntarily reduce their water usage.
Village Mediation mends village fences
The Village Mediation Program was erected in the 1980s to bring interested parties together to talk out their differences.
Village road crew— Parting the frozen waters
In his nine years working for the Village, Superintendent of Streets Jason Hamby says this winter was the worst he’s experienced on the job.
Water rate hike approved
At the March 17 Village Council meeting, Council approved in a 4–0 vote a 15 percent hike in local water rates, the largest single year increase in years.
Village Council approves deficit budget
The Village of Yellow Springs will spend about $200,000 more than in takes in receipts in 2014, according to an operations budget Council unanimously passed at its meeting on Monday, March 17.
Sheriff’s inquiry faults officer
Seven months after the shooting standoff in Yellow Springs that ended with the death of Paul E. Schenck, the Montgomery County Sheriff’s department released the findings of an investigation of the two Greene County officers who fired weapons during the event.
Water rate hike approved by Council
At their March 3 meeting, Village Council members unanimously approved a 15 percent rate hike for Village water fees, to be effective April 1. Villagers will feel the hike as an additional $4.20 monthly charge, or $50.40 per year, for an average use of 6,000 gallons.
Manager search elicits robust response
The Village has received a robust response in its search for a new Village manager, according to Council member Brian Housh, who, with Council member Gerry Simms, is overseeing the effort. According to the consulting firm Management Partners, which is conducting the search, 59 applicants responded by the March 7 deadline.
Yellow Springs burglaries affect cars and homes
Toward the end of last week and over the weekend, several home and vehicle burglaries occurred in various locations around the village. Yellow Springs Police this week issued a warning to all villagers to keep their homes and vehicles locked at all times.
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