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Antioch College Section :: Page 33

  • Art exhibit kicks off Glen 50th celebration

    Bill Hooper and Jane Baker were among the many villagers who attended the Friday night reception for the art exhibit that features artwork inspired by the Glen. They are looking at "Glen Helen Raptor" by local sculptor Jon Hudson, created from scrap metal found in the Glen. (Photo by Diane Chiddister)

    A well-attended exhibit of original art created by artists inspired by the Glen kicked off the Glen’s weekend celebration of its 50th anniversary on Friday evening.

  • Bequest boosts town/gown unity

    A $3 million bequest from the estate of longtime Antioch College faculty member Nolan Miller and his brother Richard Miller will enable Antioch College to financially support its students who wish to work in nonprofit organizations in Yellow Springs…

  • Gegner event: YS civil rights legacy

    As idealistic Antioch students, Hardy Trolander, Paul Graham, Joni Rabinowitz and Prexy Nesbitt participated in local civil rights actions to desegregate Yellow Springs, culminating in the famous 1964 Gegner barbershop incident that led to the arrests of more than 100 people.

  • Denman is another Mr. Antioch

    Al Denman could never decide whether to describe himself as a wandering wonderer or a wondering wanderer. But he hasn’t strayed far from the Antioch College he calls home since he came to Yellow Springs in 1965.

  • Steve Schwerner receives Antioch alumni award

    Steve Schwerner, a former Antioch College student, professor and Dean of Students was given the J.D. Dawson Award at this year's alumni reunion for his years of service at the college. (Photo by Megan Bachman)

    Former Antioch professor and dean of students Steve Schwerner received the J.D. Dawson award at this year’s alumni reunion for his decades of service to the college.

  • Alumni come to town

    A larger-than-life Arthur Morgan welcomes Antioch College alumni, who begin a four-day reunion today. About 260 have registered so far, but up to 100 more may show up as well, according to college Assistant Development Director Aimee Maruyama. Alumna Eleanor Holmes Norton, the U.S. Congresswoman from Washington, D.C., will speak at the Saturday, June 22, alumni dinner.

    A larger-than-life Arthur Morgan welcomes Antioch College alumni, who begin a four-day reunion today. About 260 have registered so far, but up to 100 more may show up as well, according to college Assistant Development Director Aimee Maruyama.

  • AAUP: college closing not necessary

    Last weekend the American Association of University Professors, or AAUP, officially voted to sanction Antioch University for infringements of governance standards for actions related to the closing of Antioch College.

  • College gets stimulus funds

    Antioch College was identified last week as one of 13 Ohio institutions of higher education chosen to receive federal stimulus funds for energy conservation projects.

  • Antioch alumni beautify campus

    Antioch College alumni weed a Livermore street flower bed as part of the annual pre-reunion work project on campus. (Photo by Megan Bachman)

    This week 65 Antioch College alumni and supporters flocked to campus for the annual pre-reunion work project. Amidst sounds of jackhammers, drills, saws and grass cutters, the dedicated crew planted flowers, restored benches, painted walls, repaired stairs and pruned trees.

  • College gets stimulus funds

    Antioch College recently announced that it received federal stimulus funds to retrofit the Glen Helen building, above, for energy efficiency.

    Antioch College announced on Friday, June 11, that it was one of 13 Ohio institutions of higher education to receive federal stimulus funds for energy efficiency projects.

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