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Village Life Section :: Page 118

  • Virginia in Ohio

    Standing with Virginia Hamilton's Ohio Historical marker is Hamilton’s husband, Arnold Adoff; her son, Jaime Adoff; and granddaughter, Anaya Adoff. (Photo by Diane Chiddister)

    A crowd of local students and community members converged on the Yellow Springs library last Wednesday, March 22, for the dedication of a historical marker for renowned author Virginia Hamilton, who grew up and lived most of her life in Yellow Springs.

  • Local nonprofits to clean up bike trails

    (Photo by Jamie Holly, courtesy wikipedia, CC BY-SA 2.0)

    On April 1, “Local Nonprofit Community Give Back Day,” village nonprofit groups will gather to clean up the bike path.

  • Forgotten Springs, vol. 2 – Emilys’ Garden

    When we went to check out what was described as an overgrown statue garden on the Antioch campus, I was expecting another crumbling relic that held a quirky story. Far from being a quirky tale, the place recalls an event Yellow Springers will never be able to talk about with detachment.

  • Joan Horn: life as a doer, teacher and friend

    Villager Joan Horn has lived in Yellow Springs for more than 60 years, contributing to the community as a volunteer, teacher, civic-minded citizen and friend. Her Spillan Avenue home, filled with books and art, is always open to friends from Yellow Springs and around the world. (Photo by Audrey Hackett)

    Joan Horn, 83, has lived in Yellow Springs for over 60 years, first coming to the village as a student at Antioch College in the early 1950s. Her contributions to the community are legion.

  • Community Solutions buys half of Arnovitz farm

    Leaders and supporters of Community Solutions celebrated the nonprofit's new land holdings Thursday night. Community Solutions bought 128 acres of land on the western edge of Yellow Springs at auction on March 16, paying $655,000 for two of nine parcels up for sale. All parcels of the 267-acre Arnovitz farm were sold to a total of seven buyers. (Photo by Audrey Hackett)

    All nine parcels of the Arnovitz farm were sold at auction Thursday, March 16. Nearly half the land was purchased by Community Solutions, which plans to establish a center for regenerative agriculture on the property and relocate its offices there.

  • ‘Ripples’ celebrates village’s elders

    The YS Senior Center received a grant to support its publication of Ripples, the center's annual elder literary journal. Shown looking at past issues of Ripples are, from left, Suzanne Patterson, Karen Wolford, Jane Baker, Fran LaSalle, Marianne Whelchel and Lee Huntington. Not pictured is committee member Sandy Love. (Photo by Diane Chiddister)

    A diversity of both form and content is the goal of “Ripples,” an annual journal that is “a celebration of elders” in the Village.

  • Rich Earth Institute to discuss urine as agricultural resource

    The Rich Earth Institute recycles 5,000 gallons of urine a year and conserves more than 100,000 gallons of potable water.

    “Rethinking the Nutrient Cycle: Capturing Urine as a Resource” will be presented by the Rich Earth Institute on Tuesday, March 14, 7 p.m., in McGregor 113 at Antioch College.

  • Sale puts farmland at risk

    The 267-acre Arnovitz property is slated to go to auction March 16 in nine parcels. (YS News map)

    At Village Council’s Feb. 21 meeting, a villager and Village Council member urged villagers to come together in an effort to preserve farmland at risk of development on the western edge of Yellow Springs.

  • Story in stitches

    Pictured above is quilt maker Maxine Thomas, left, with Faith Patterson's daughter, Karen Patterson. (Photo by Audrey Hackett)

    A special quilt in honor of Faith Patterson was unveiled at the Yellow Springs library on Feb. 22.

  • Conference digs into new research on soil health

    Arthur Morgan Institute for Community Solutions is hosting a symposium Friday and Saturday, Feb. 24–25, that is devoted to the topic of soil.

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