
Village Life Section :: Page 116

  • Standing up for Standing Rock

    About 35 people gathered at the Yellow Springs Speedway last Friday to protest the construction of the Dakota Access Pipeline in North Dakota, which cuts through the Standing Rock Indian Reservation. The local protest is one of several efforts in Yellow Springs to call attention to the issue and support protestors in Standing Rock. Speedway’s parent company, Marathon, is a major investor in the pipeline project, and local protestors plan to continue pressuring the company with demonstrations each Friday in Yellow Springs and each Wednesday at Speedway’s Enon headquarters. (Photo by Matt Minde)

    Recently, a number of Yellow Springs residents have been advocating on behalf of those demonstrating against the construction of an oil pipeline through the Standing Rock Indian Reservation in North and South Dakota.

  • Carl Hyde: A habit of caring, and aging well

    Carl Hyde, who moved into the Friends Assisted Living Center a year ago, first came to Yellow Springs as an Antioch College freshman more than 70 years ago. After more than four decades as a town physician, he’s known to many as “Dr. Hyde.” He rides his bike regularly in good weather. (Photo by Diane Chiddister)

    Though he retired more than 15 years ago, Carl Hyde’s habit of caring for people remains.

  • 34 artists to participate in 2016 Art & Soul

    Zazu Metcalf (top) creates cards (such as the bottom image), while her mother, Colette Palamar, creates sun and winter hats for babies, kids and adults (one is pictured here on Zazu). The mother-daughter duo are among 34 artists from Ohio and Indiana exhibiting at the fifth annual Art & Soul fair, held this Saturday, Nov. 19, from 10 a.m. to 5 p.m. at Mills Lawn School gymnasium. (Submitted Photos)

    A wide range of original arts and crafts creations—both decorative and functional—will be featured this weekend in the fifth annual Art & Soul fair, in the Mills Lawn School gymnasium.

  • Holiday in the Village, Yellow Springs 2016

    2016 Holiday in the Springs

    Plan your Holiday in the Village with our 2016 online guide.

  • Happy Thanksgiving!

    Scenes from Thanksgiving Eve. And a reminder that all are welcome at Community Thanksgiving, 2–4 p.m. at the First Presbyterian Church.

  • ‘Share the Joy’ at the YS Library

    The "Share the Joy" gift-giving tree is going up soon at the YS Library.

    The annual “Share the Joy” tree, which aims to provide holiday items for Yellow Springs and Miami Township residents who may need assistance in buying them, is currently up at the YS Community Library.

  • Spend Thanksgiving with community

    Ali Thomas, Charlotte Walkey, Rick Walkey and Dave Goodman, from top left in rear, were among those sharing food and conversation at the First Presbyterian Church, converted for an afternoon into a banquet hall for a potluck Thanksgiving feast.

    The annual YS Community Thanksgiving, which is sponsored each year by the YS Interspiritual, will again be held at the First Presbyterian Church, 2–4 p.m. this Thursday, Nov. 24, on Thanksgiving Day. The entire community is warmly invited to attend.

  • Protest of Standing Rock pipeline on Friday

    A weekly protest against the Dakota Access Pipeline is taking place each Friday at Speedway in Yellow Springs.

  • Naturalist-teacher joins Glen Helen staff

    The Glen Helen Outdoor Education Center’s new director, Michael Blackwell, sat in his (outdoor) office, where he instructs school-age students and the OEC’s interns in naturalist skills and about the history and ecology of the Glen. Blackwell arrived in early October, and is “inheriting the OEC’s 60-year tradition.” (Photo by Dylan Taylor-Lehman)

    The office of Michael Blackwell, the new director of Glen Helen’s Outdoor Education Center (OEC), is a small trailer deep in the Glen. No more than 50 feet away is a fire pit, and the whole camp is ensconced in towering trees.

  • Food aid for villagers in need

    The Dayton Foodbank’s Andy Macy and Yellow Springs resident and volunteer Susan Pfeiffer distributed food items in Yellow Springs last month as part of the Foodbank’s mobile pantry. The pantry stops every fourth Tuesday of the month in Yellow Springs, and aims to provide food items to the quarter of the Yellow Springs population that qualifies to receive it. (Submitted photo)

    Given the higher median income and sense of community that characterizes Yellow Springs, it might be hard for some to imagine that there are residents who experience what is known as “food insecurity” — limited or uncertain access to food.

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