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Village Life Section :: Page 114

  • Cool kids

    Monday afternoon local friends Edwin Harra, Ashby Lyons and Carson Funderburg enjoyed swimming at the pool on a rare day without showers. (Photo by Suzanne Szempruch)

    Some villagers found relief from the heat last week at the Gaunt Park pool, although abundant rain and several storms made swimming iffy.

  • A muddlicious time at T-ball

    I love the mud balls and mud puddles. In fact, I yearn for the days before the Village put in drainage pipes, which drain the field after a good rain, forever eliminating the great six-foot-diameter, 28 square feet of water puddles of yesteryear.

  • Tom’s Market Pirates top Minor League

    The Tom’s Market Pirates continued their late season rally last week with three victories and won the overall 2017 Minor League regular season championship by just a half-game over the Peach’s Dodgers.

  • Preserving vital local black history

    Local historians and 365 Project members John Gudgel and Kevin McGruder are preserving and sharing village history in their collaborative encyclopedia project, “Blacks in Yellow Springs,” as well as black history walking tours that involve local youth as guides. Pictured here, from left, are Steve McQueen, McGruder, Malaya Booth, Gudgel and Amani Wagner, all members of The 365 Project. (Submitted photo)

    John Gudgel has had family in Yellow Springs since the 1890s; Kevin McGruder came to the village via Antioch College only five years ago. Together, these two historians are trying to preserve some vital local history that is in danger of being lost.

  • Annual Vintage Truck Show to return

    The annual Vintage Truck Show will return to Young's on Aug. 6.

    Vintage Truck magazine will host its 16th annual Vintage Truck Show on Saturday, Aug. 5, from 9 a.m. to 4 p.m.

  • Tick talk: biting insects abound this summer

    Fig. 1: The common blacklegged or deer tick, Ixodes scapularis.

    As the summer gets into full swing, one of the biggest irritations is the profusion of mosquitoes and ticks.

  • Focus on racial incidents at Yellow Springs schools

    Yellow Springs school district leaders were urged to hire more people of color and provide more racial sensitivity training for school staff and students at a meeting Monday, June 26, at First Baptist Church.

  • July 4th in my hometown

    Up next was the YS Kids Playhouse in the long line of 4th of July paraders down Xenia Avenue. The day was rounded out by a spectacular fireworks display at Gaunt Park (Photo by Matt Minde)

    For many years—though my parents live a block from downtown, where the parade takes place—I didn’t go to it. I’m not a big parade person.

  • T-Ball: Blasting Coach and other adventures

    Why don’t you come on out and let our kids throw some baseballs at you, Friday nights, 6:30 at Gaunt Park? You might like it. Then again, you might not.

  • NAACP board member to speak at Antioch College

    NAACP vice-chair Derrick Johnson will speak Friday, July 14.

    Derrick Johnson, vice chair of the NAACP National Board of Directors, will give an address on Friday, July 14 in the Wellness Center at Antioch College.

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